Brewer Profession in Elios | World Anvil
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Some brewers are self taught and run a very successful business. However, most brewers spend years learning on the job and some even go to formal schooling if they desire the obtain the rank of Master Brewer.

Career Progression

There are three basic levels of being a brewer.  

by Amery Brontessler

Nearly all start as laborer's, just cleaning and lifting all day. These laborer's are called Cellarmen, even if female, and are considered to be interns for however long it takes for them to advance to the next level. During this time, they are expected to learn all the duties of a Brewer without actually being trained to do the job. They can do this buy either observing the Brewer when they are not busy with their own tasks or they can attend formal classes outside of working hours. They also need to package the beer and interact with other brewers, suppliers, and customers. In some cases, they may be asked to deliver the beer as well. In addition, they clean and sterilize the brew tanks, filtering equipment, and carbonating machines, as well as perform regular repairs on the machinery.  


by Leo Khao
Brewers are primarily responsible for making beer. They are involved with the entire process of creating alcoholic beverages and fuels. Their chief duties include selecting and checking the malted barley or grain which will be used in the preparation of a particular kind of beer, adding yeast, hops, water, and other necessary ingredients, checking the fermentation rate, and monitoring the pH values and temperature throughout the process of brewing. Brewers also need to keep a check on the quality of beer both before and after filtration.         Head Brewer/ Brewmaster:

by Ona Naumaviciute

Brewmasters specialize in managing a brewery's brewing department, including daily operations, recipe management, and work procedures. Brewmasters may have an office, but spend time in the production and packaging facilities in order to interact with various personnel. They will also spend time developing new brews as well.



The brewer is just what it sounds like. Their purpose is to brew alcohol for the surrounding public.

Social Status

For most brewers, they are not really thought of unless there is no more alcohol. Most people do not care who made the ale or where it came from, unless the ale is of high quality, then the public pays attention and wants to know more. At this point, the brewer can start to have a loyal fan base and may even be asked to brew privately.    Simply put, a brewer can be a nobody that no one ever hears about, someone that is more popular that the local ruler or anywhere inbetween.


In most towns and cities there may be only one brewer. Sometimes, one brewer covers multiple areas. In larger cities there could be multiple brewers competing for the most sales.


Brewing has been around since long before written history. Some of the best brews have only been passed on orally.



The Essential Equipment:

  • 4+ gallon pot. The bigger the better!
  • 6 gallon plastic bucket with a spigot for sanitizing and bottling.
  • 6 gallon fermentation bucket. These have a lid with a hole drilled for an airlock.
  • Airlock and stopper.
  • 3 or 4 small nylon bags for adding hops to the boil. Pantyhose works in a pinch, but try to use a new pair.
  • Racking cane. This is to syphon beer out of the fermentor or kettle. There are "auto-syphon" versions that save headaches and help with good sanitation practices.
  • Food grade sanitizer, either iodine based or acid based.
  • Hydrometer and Hydrometer Jar.
  • Waterproof thermometer with a range that includes 130*F-190*F.


The basic ingredients of beer:

  • Water 
  • A starch source, such as malted barley, able to be fermented (converted into alcohol) 
  • A brewer’s yeast to produce the fermentation
  •  A flavouring, such as hops, to offset the sweetness of the malt.


Depending on the size of the operation, a brewer can work in a space as small as a bedroom or as large as a warehouse.

Dangers & Hazards

To be successful, new brewers must learn and abide by health and safety rules, transitioning their love of beer to a safe manufacturing process.
Master Brewer Samuel says, “Many of the risks in being a brewer are the same as in any manufacturing environment, including the potential for exertion injuries and slips, trips and falls.”
  Some of these injuries include:    
  • Strains and sprains:
  • Lifting, handling and moving heavy materials can cause muscle strains and sprains. Brewers regularly lift 50-pound bags of grain, fill and move kegs that weigh up to 140 pounds and maneuver heavy hoses. 
  • Slips and falls on walking surfaces:
  • With a lot of water being used in the brewing process, this causes breweries to often have slippery floors. Without proper cleanup, slips and falls nearly inevitable. The brewing process also relies on the use of hoses to move the brew from one tank to another. The hoses are typically strung across the floor, posing a trip or fall hazard.
  • Falls from heights:
  • The brew kettle may be high enough off the floor to make climbing a necessary task for brewers keeping an eye on the brew process and adding ingredients. In small homes or large warehouses, built-in safety structures such as catwalks and attached ladders may be limited. So brewers might have to climb a leaning ladder to peek into the vat and add ingredients or operate hoses.
  • Burns:
  • Brewing also involves checking on and transferring hot liquids. There is potential to lean against a holding tank or to spill hot liquids when making a transfer. There are also occasional injuries and deaths in breweries from burns from boil overs.
Depending on the area, a brewer can be very high in demand.
Very few locations are not legal to make, sell or consume alcohol.
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