The Elder Trees and The Elves Myth in Eletheria | World Anvil
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The Elder Trees and The Elves

To you we return that which we have borrowed, the seed you've sewn of joy and sorrow. You give us life, you give us heart, and in our death we do our part.
-Elvish Chant from Maerdrym Sacrificial Rite
Translation: Jerome Avicci

Of Earth and Water

From the womb of Terra, the Spirit Plane of Earth, rich soil that hummed with the Soul Song collected on Eletheria. These deposits nurtured extraordinary flora of impressive size and age. None quite as precious, however, as the First Elder Tree. Growing at the shores of a lake of the tears of Aqua the Spirit Plane of Water, the tree shone with the brilliance of the First Light, its presence so radiant life gathered to it like the dawning of a second sun. For one thousand years Auran, the Spirit Plane of Wind seeded the Bright Tree with its breath in distant lands; and as the millennium waned the tree changed in color. Its leaves grew blood red, and from its branches sprouted mesmeric flowers of kaleidoscopic color. The grove teemed with more life than ever in the presence of The Heart Tree, and for one thousand years it grew as Auran carried its seeds, until its crimson leaves turned a shimmering silver, and its bark darkened to the midnight hue of The First Dark. There The Void Tree stood for one thousand years, and as the Wind carried its seeds, other creatures listened to for its silent wisdom. It taught the wild creatures all it knew and as its third millennium waned, a great fire, sparked from Ignis, the Spirit Plane of Fire, burned in the grove. In pure fire the First Elder Tree was returned to Eletheria, to nurture the world in life and death. No one know where the First Elder Tree sprouted, but it is said to grow again every few thousand years, renewing the growth of the Elder Trees.

Primeval Lineage

Each of the Elder Trees bears a strong connection to Terra and Aqua, the Spirit Planes of Earth and Water. While all of the Spirit Planes had a role in their creation, the energies of Earth and Water were the parent forces of the creation of the Elder Trees. In addition to the Elemental Spirits, the Elder Trees are each reflected by the different aspects of Eletheria. Anhiir, The First Light resonates deeply in the roots and leaves of the Bright Trees; Roshniir, The First Dark can be heard in the silent songs of the Void Trees; and the Heart Trees are rooted in the material world of Eletheria, their song deeply grounded by the physical world.   The Elder Trees are ancient and primeval, their souls so saturated with the Soul Song that when an Elder Tree dies, its soul fragments and is reincarnated in pieces as Elves. The death of a Bright Tree births from its soul a thousand Bright Elves; from the death of a Heart Tree come a thousand Wood Elves; and from the death of a Void Tree, a thousand Dark Elves. Each elf is deeply connected to Aqua and Terra but also possess the same reflection of light, darkness or material, as their parent tree. An elf is born with a deep desire to connect with their kin, for if the souls of a single parent tree all find each other, their souls will merge in death and allow the Elder Tree to be reincarnated again.  

Culture and Religion

The first elven societies were built around worship of the Elder Trees. A community of void elves would likely worship a Void Tree and a community of wood elves would likely worship an Heart Tree. Regardless of the specific Elder Tree, such societies see the Elder Trees as the spiritual realization of their people and protect them zealously. A society built around an Elder Tree will last for hundreds if not thousands of years before the tree dies. When the tree does die, its people would go on a journey to join another society of the same elves, in the hopes of finding other aspects of the lost tree.   Because elves are reincarnated aspects of the Elder Trees, death is treated differently than many of the races of Eletheria. An elf that has bonded with all other aspects of their parent soul will often have a vision before they die. This is a sign that the Elder Tree from which they were born, will return in its full spirit. These revelations are highly celebrated among the tribe and festivities can last for days in honor of the expected rebirth of the Elder Tree. While not universal, some elvish communities celebrate this vision with a sacrificial rite. The elf that experiences the vision is honored and pampered for a full moon cycle and when the moon reaches the state reflected by the coming tree, the elf is slain, their blood seeding the ground to represent the planting of the tree.   Much of elven culture and society is a reflection of the elves' great connection to nature and the Elder Trees. According to the old elvish ways, all elves have a duality of joy and sorrow constantly stirring within them. Their bodies birthed from the joyous womb of the Earth Spirit, and the their minds filled with the sorrowful tears of the Water Spirit. To be an elf is to experience sublime grief and bliss all at once. Learning to keep these emotions balanced is an important cultural practice as too much of one or the other can be deadly. Balance in elven culture does not come from shutting out and ignoring emotion, however. Instead both emotions are embraced equally in all life experience. Art is valued very highly as a cathartic expression of this duality and elven society has produced some of the world's most beautiful masterpieces because of it.  

The Old Ways

Ancient elven cultures almost exclusively worshiped the Elder Trees. it was a sacred duty to ensure the rebirth of an Elder Tree and as a result the old ways involved lots of socialization in order to bond with as many other elves as possible. Love was very free and monogamous commitments were frowned upon. In their minds to dedicate oneself to a single individual would restrict the number of deep bonds made in life, and stall the reincarnation of the Elder Tree. Living Elder Trees were sought after for wisdom, and blessings. The falling of leaves and the markings in the bark were read as portents for the future and leaders of the community would listen to the Elder Tree to divine the actions of the elves.  

The Church of Quintessence

While not exclusive to elven culture, their tangible connection to the First Light and the First Dark draw many elves into membership with the church. These elves often dedicate themselves entirely to either Light or Darkness, seeing themselves as a necessary and natural manifestation of its balance. Though most other members of the church strive to emulate both within themselves, some elven practitioners have opposed the preaching of cosmic unity within an individual, instead seeking to gain enlightenment through unwavering commitment to the cosmic power that most aligns with their ancestry.  

The Order of Harmony

During the Third Era, in the days after the Divine Rift, many elves turned their attention away from the Elder Trees, seeking instead to serve a part in maintaining the Soul Song. This sub-sect of elvish culture became known as The Order of Harmony. Their creed was to give back the magical gifts of the Soul Song to help restore the Soul Song. Powerful elvish mages would give their souls, allowing them to return to the Soul Song and breaking the cycle of incarnation. This new way of thinking caused a rift between the old elvish cultures as the death of a single elvish soul meant the complete undoing of an Elder Tree. If not all of its aspects could reunite in life, that tree would never again be born. With the rebirth of the gods, the Order of Harmony was shunned by many, deemed unnecessary with the return of divine oversight. Many were cast out, their temples desecrated or destroyed while members were forced to the fringes of society. In the Fourth Era, the any practice dealing with the Order of Harmony was considered barbaric and severely punished.

Elder Trees in Nature

Ancient and powerful beings, the Elder Trees are exist all over Eletheria, secluded within sacred forests and hidden groves. When an Elder Tree first seeds, it grows at a staggering rate, reaching maturity and its full growth in just a few months, but will live for hundreds or even thousands of years. These powerful trees are so connected to the Soul Song, that the land around them shifts to reflect the Elder Tree itself. In Elvish culture, each type of Elder Tree embodies an aspect of the moon as well, a consideration taken during worship and ritual of a specific Elder Tree.

Bright Trees

Bright Trees are reflections of the full moon. They grow in naturally radiant places full of light. Like all Elder Trees, Bright Trees can grow hundreds of feet with roots so strong they can break mountains. A region surrounding a Bright Tree takes on some of the tree's characteristics. The soil and other life forms within the area glow with soft white light. Conjuration magic is enhanced in the light of a Bright Tree forest, and undead are harmed while in the vicinity. Shadows and darkness never last long and are lessened in their effect.  

Heart Trees

Heart Trees are reflections of the crescent moon. They grow in verdant forests and ancient groves. The tallest of all Elder Trees, their crimson leaves and prismatic flowers can be seen high above the canopies of their homes. The forest of a Heart Tree burgeons with life, the tree itself giving off a nurturing aura of growth. Natural and Magical Healing is quickened and empowered while flora and fauna can grow to astounding age and size.  

Void Trees

Void Trees are reflections of the new moon. They grow is places concealed by darkness and are sanctuaries of great wisdom. A Void Tree's midnight bark and starlight leaves are unmistakable in its growing place. The surrounding land of a void tree never sees sunlight, and any magical or mundane light is diminishes over time. To a keen listener, the forest will whisper ancient secrets and divination magic is heightened while in the domain of a Void Tree. Undead are not uncommon in the groves of the Void Trees and serve as its silent guardians.

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