Werewolf Cruse Condition in Elema | World Anvil

Werewolf Cruse

Werewolf Cruse is a well-known cruse about a man who turns into a large wolf-human hybrid. Were the beast mind take over.  They feed the beast. The person goes wild wanted to find fresh meat and mate. For the most part, you become an animal mind and body.

Transmission & Vectors

The virus is transmission by when Werewolf bites another sentient life.


When Leonardo becomes a full moon also a lunar eclipse and the solar eclipse do affect it. Cloud coverage slows down but does not stop the change into the beast. Know the first change will be next full moon of Leonardo.


Few days before a full moon the person gets hungry eats a lot of meat. You may even lose a couple of pounds.  You will start running a bit fewer. Then the day of the full moon you fill great but on the night as soon full moons rise, you will change into the beast it will put extrim pain. Until the beast, mind takes over and your body full change. Then you are just along for the ride.


There is no known cure. Know there are options lock self with some raw food and chains to A floor make sure it made study stuff to be able to take the force of you. The other way is to kill your self which is a permanent way to fix it then there ore dose that accepted as part of them

Affected Groups

all sentient life but Beast Folk and Crickant

Hosts & Carriers

Anyone who has is both carrier and a hosts


Don't get bitten and survived an attack


The story goes there was a small town was had a severe bad harvest. It was about the same time as A witch movie nearby. So they said she bought or put a curse on them. So they try to get read by having their hunting dog give her problems. Until one day they had enough to start playing attack to kill the witch. The attack took place on the full moon. Well to their surprise the witch outside. she was waiting for fo them.  They realize their attack dogs and also attack. Next moment blinding white light came down. Hitting the ground blinding the men for several mins. When they got their sight back. The witch was goon as well as their dogs.  So the men thought her spell or whatever happen to backfire. So they burnt the hunt down for good measure. Then went home everything was fine. Until the next full moon. where the men turn werewolf and kill their families.

Cultural Reception

Most places will have town guards or higher Aventuras to go and find the person and kill it. They don't see it as something that can be cured or that is a sickness. More something needs to be destroyed because they are afraid of the werewolf.

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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