Musical Trail of the Lost Souls Tradition / Ritual in Elema | World Anvil

Musical Trail of the Lost Souls

When traveling in the Kingdom of Mythfalls along the coastline you will see charms on homes these charms are linked to a tradition that the locals have been doing for centuries. These charms are put on the homes to help guide the souls of those lost at sea to make their way home. Once a month one of the local churches we do a march from the shoreline to the graveyard. There are four local churches and so they take turns being in charge of the march. For they believe that without the charms and without the March the souls will get lost. For you see if souls are left at sea too long, they will become the nightmares that play us on the sea, poltergeists and sirens and the like. With this monthly track from sea to the graveyard, they are helping all souls that make it to their shores get to the graveyard safely. Once at the graveyard it is believed that the souls will be welcomed by their Gods and/or Goddesses.


This tradition began long before the area was known as the Kingdom of Mythfall. this area was then inhabited by halflings in the Kingdom of Wanlda. During this time many made their money on the waters with fishery and trade. During this time a ship was tossed in the sea during a great storm and many perished on board only a few made it back to the harbor safely. One of the survivors lost everyone and everything he knew on this ship distraught he created charms to help his three friends' souls make their way to his home so he could say goodbye to them. He wanted to enjoy one last meal with his departed friends before they went to the gods. The story says they did make it back home and enjoy the second lunch with their friend for all four of them went to meet their gods and goddesses.


These charms are created by the owners of the home and are usually a family event they get together the materials needed and create the charms. The local churches provide all items needed to create these charms. Once the charms are created, they go to the church to have the priests there bless the charms. After they are blessed, they are hung up in the home, it is a part of the normal daily prayer to mention the charms and to remind the gods to continue the blessing that was placed upon them. Some use song and some use prayer to keep the charms powered up during the years. It is the hope the spirits will know the prayer or no the song and hear it from afar and use that noise that thought to bring them to the shores so they can be brought to the graveyards and enjoy their arrest.

On a rotating cycle, one of the local churches will lead the trek from the shore to the graveyard. There are four churches in town so do it three times by themselves then during the 13th month of the year all four churches do it together. The trek begins on the shore and as they travel through town a parade is created by the locals joining into the track they sing, dance, and offer prayers in hopes they are received by whichever God or goddess is in charge of the check that month they go through town and travel to the Pacific cemetery. During the 13th month, the storms are treacherous and many do not travel the oceans at this time. But due to this, all four churches come together during this disastrous time of year they come together to help all the souls of those who decided to travel and lost their lives.

Components and tools

this charm consists of many things. Firstly there is a string that ties it all together this string or ribbon comes in many beautiful colors. The first thing on this string or ribbon are four beads, one representing each God or goddess within their town. Mizu Goddess of Water Seishin Goddess of Spirit Church of Yumi Hikari god of Light The next thing on this charm are feathers from a bird. It is very common to use the feathers of the more long distant birds as it is believed that the feathers from this bird have seen many miles and with that, we'll be able to carry the sound farther and faster than one that is local. Next, you will find a seashell that is gathered on the shores to guide the spirits to a local location for them to come to. The shells in particular or of a small tight spiral Shape, with tiny holes drilled into them to allow sound when the air passes through them. the last and final thing on this charm is out of a bell. It is believed that the sound of the bell and the shell together will beckon the spirits to their shores. After this is created and after it is blessed it is hung army outside of their homes to allow the light breeze to wrestle through the charm and to make beautiful music.

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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