The Tabian Species in Eleanora | World Anvil
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The Tabian

The Tabian [ Tab - ee - an ] are the apex creatures of Eleanora.   They have a heavy Irish inspired influence, accent and jargon,   and have four races in accordance to the region of which they reside.


  The Tabian is a humanoid rabbit creature with strikingly bright eye colors and an assortment of natural fur pigments that mimic nature. Their long rabbit ears are stiff with a soft round tip, and are pointed softly back in the neutral state. They have sharp fang-like incisors that can be intimidating when they smile. Face appearance is mostly human, but with a long flat rabbit nose and a wide bridge base, further gifting the species their truly unique appeal.   Body build may be lean, athletic, or muscular. The average height of females are 5'4 (160cm) and males 5'8 (170cm) but this can vary with race. They are fast runners, jumpers and expert climbers. They have astonishingly clear sight that can notice movement up to 3 miles (5 km).   Hand and foot nails are commonly kept sharp. Feet are rabbit like and flat, with skinny toes and long claws. They have no foot pads.   Skin, fur, eye color and patterns depend on the Tabian's race.   Acceptable Mutations:

  • Albinism (All white, pink eyes, sensitive to light)
  • Hypopigmentation (all black or all white)
  • Heterochromia (One eye is a different color than the other)
  • Four colors including hair. (Some races are limited in this)
  •   Unacceptable Mutations:
  • More than four colors for the fur is impossible. Three on fur + one hair color MAX!
  • Coloring hair is possible in natural colors or using mediums found in nature.
  • No neon colors, anywhere, on anything.
  • TabianDetails.png


      Tabians are intelligent and inquisitive. The diversity of personality will vary from being to being, and yet, they all share the same primitive desire to quickly turn on a dime and sprint. Prey animals would flee from danger because of fear; the Tabians on the contrary, are quite brave. They have deep, natural sense of awareness, and are subjected to brooding or getting lost in an aloof state, especially when left alone for long periods.  

    Resilience and Life

    Tabians are fiercely resilient. They take an immense amount of pain before crumbling, and heal twice as fast as humans by comparison. The average lifespan is approximately 80 years. They look "frozen in their 30s" almost their entire lives; age will begin to show around year 60.  


      Diet consists of plants, fruit, vegetables, nuts, bird, and fish. They do not eat ‘land meat.’ Some have been known to try, but Tabian biology cannot process red meat and will thus be instantaneously rejected. They do eat animal products such as eggs and dairy.          


  • Tabians cannot swim! They sink like a rock, therefore terrified of the ocean, yet there is a race that have overcome this...
  • Bathing in cold water is most preferred. Hotsprings is considered to be a luxury only briefly enjoyed.
  • They love the concept of luck. It is easy for them to succumb to the appeal of gambling. Poker, dice, and spontaneous betting are favored games.
  • Most have a natural affinity for liquor.
  • The Tabian mind tends to wander easily. They require a strong social system to keep themselves 'tethered' to reality.


      Search for Nordic hairstyles on Pinterest, and become inspired. Tabians love to keep hair traditionally long to braid and wrap jewelry or feathers into. Keeping it short however, is not uncommon. Shaving part of the head, dreads, and buns are also popular traits.  



      Overall in general, the Tabian style is a single cloth wrapping in just about any way that can be imagined. Not big on embellishment on clothing, makes it more difficult to wash and upkeep. Tabians would rather add feathers and jewelry to themselves.   Favorite colors by region:  
  • Eleanora - Bright colored dyes in most colors, autumn colors are most favored. Crimson, orange, yellow, green..
  • North Eleanora - Dark colors, navy, black, brown..
  • Dea - Dark neutral colors, cream, ivory, grey... Black and crimson are most favored.
  • Gierra - Black and white, yellow, gold.


    Footwraps and Accessories

      Leather, feathers, beads, metal charms, rings, arm bands, tattoos, piercings... Tabians love them all. This is a trait has never died; an echo from their distant ancestors. The most prized item a Tabian could own and wear, are pearls. They are the 'diamonds' of Eleanora. If a Tabian is wearing a pearl, they are either rich or incredibly lucky!  

      Tabians don't wear 'shoes'. How can you run quickly with a hunk of metal over your feet? You'd have to clip your claws..   Instead, they wear footwraps, made of any textile available from cotton to leather and in any color. They can have thick leather soles for climbing trees all day or mountain climbing. Toes and claws are ALWAYS out! Royalty will wear soles on occasion, when in public or at parties, but they are just footwraps with a base.   The Dean race who are sailors for life (pirates) wear metal sole footplates.  


    Global Holidays

  • Ina Glas (First day of Spring): Somber holiday to celebrate new life and another year. This is the Tabian's "New Year's Day".
  • Eleanora Grace (Late Spring): Religious holiday celebrating the moment Eleanora created the world. Gift giving holiday.
  • Ariella's Gaze (Winter Solstice): The clearest of skies happen during the winter. Tabians spend a week of stargazing and focus on learning about astronomy and astrology through classes and festivities that take place at night.



      There are four races of Tabian. Each have their own distinctive colors, patterns, and behavors. Irish jargon and cuture is continental, but the depth of which varies by region. Locality also influences the domestic culture such as clothing, speech draw, colors favored, and food. An individual can be one race of Tabian but belong to another side of the world; race does not dictate area of residence, but is predominantly grouped in such a way!   Click below to read about races.  

    Cover image: by Sunny McElrone


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