Magmus Species in Eldris | World Anvil

Magmus (Mag-M-uh-s)

"This monstrous race is fire given flesh and sentience, an abomination roaming the earth. Only death and destruction follow where they go. Our only choice is to seal them within Ifrit's Cauldron."

Basic Information


Like other races descended from humans, Magmus possess the same shape and structure. However, they never grow larger than children. Their eyes are solid white with an unearthly glow behind them. They lack body hair and their skin is black as char, constantly cracking and oozing molten liquid.

Genetics and Reproduction

They reproduce either sexually with each other or unfortunate nearby humanoids or asexually by devouring massive amounts of food. The gorged magmus will go into a hibernation and eventually the outer shell will crumble away to birth two smaller Magmus.    Every few years a Magmus enters a period of dormancy where their flames are subdued but they are still conscious. It is during this period that they will breed with each other or a human. Human females usually die from the pregnancy if it is not aborted early on. Those few who survive carrying and birthing give birth to Kindlings. Magmus females will usually birth Magmus offspring with Kindlings rarely being born to them.

Ecology and Habitats

The optimal environment for a Magmus is one rich in material to consume. The fires within them are ever insatiable, driving them to eat as much organic matter as possible. Locked within Ifrit's Cauldron, they experience long periods of dormancy, awakening only when there is something to devour.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Magmus eat anything organic. Plants, animals, people, it does not matter at all to them. They are insatiable creatures.

Biological Cycle

As they hibernate, the glow seen in the cracks of their skin dulls and fades until it is no longer visible. They appear similar to victims of a fire; charred husks curled tightly in the fetal position. They also take this position when they die, making it extremely difficult to tell the difference between a hibernating or dead Magmus.

Additional Information

Social Structure

While they seem monsterous and unorganized, they do have a social hierarchy. The eldest among them are considered leaders, the role shifting when they reproduce or die.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

While Magmus are considered a blight, some enterprising communities embrace them and utilize their services to clear fields and hazards.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Volcanic Areas

Average Intelligence

Slightly Below Average to Average

Civilization and Culture


Magmus were created through direct interference and horrible experimentation by Ifira. By bouncing between worlds and universes, she hid her involvement for a long time. They naturally resided in volcanic areas, venturing out in search of food. The Dwarves, once granted sentience, saw the potential threat of the Magmus and banded together to contain them within several volcanic valleys. Some opted to seal them in by altering the land scape while others gave them no reason to wander by feeding them excess brush and debris.     For an untold amount of time, the Magmus have been easily kept away from the general populace of the worlds. Shame the general populace of the world isn't kept away from them. Foolish humans invade the land at their own risk. Through these interactions, the Kindling race was able to evolve. Several communities were established along side the Dwarves to tend to the more peaceful pockets of Magmus, creating a rich farmland and eliminating the threats of wildfires.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
40-50 years
Conservation Status
The Magmus is contained within Ifrit's Cauldron for their own safety and the safety of others. Somehow, they survive on their own within the volcano.
Average Height
2'3'' - 4'2''
Average Weight
200-400 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Burnt black with glowing red, orange, yellow, and white cracks that ooze
Geographic Distribution


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