Lunaris and Noctem Geographic Location in Elder Gate | World Anvil
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Lunaris and Noctem

Inhabiting the night sky of Variel are the dual moons Lunaris and Noctem. These two celestial bodies are revered, and worshiped by the Drow of Variel. Lunaris is the larger of the two moons, being in closer proximity to the planet. It hangs above the planet, moving with Variel as the planet rotates around the sun. Lunaris goes through cycles of waxing and waning depending on its position with the sun and planet. Many myths and tales exist about the two moons, the most common declaring that Lunaris is the lost over of Noctem.
Noctem is an ever present celestial body that does not move in rotation with Variel or the sun. It exists in a central location above the Elder Gate at all times, farther in distance from the planet than Lunaris. Noctem itself exudes a dark purple glow at night, glowing brighter when Lunaris is either in its waning phase, or percieved as a "new moon". Once per year, Lunaris will stay as a new moon for a weeks time, and Noctem will not shine. This phenomenon is known as "Evernight". During this period, Variel is covered in an overcast of shadow, similar to an eclipse.
While Evernight is occuring, nocturnal species will roam during normal daylight hours, and some species will be considerably more aggressive. Some species of plants will experience exponential growth during these times, even reaching full bloom before the end of Evernight. It is unclear what causes this phenomenon to take place, but civilization has adapted to the yearly occurance, even engaging in festivals celebrating the week of darkness. The Drow, who revere the celestial bodies believe that Lunaris is trapped in a cycle of death, and that Evernight is the time when Noctem weeps for his love.
Planetoid / Moon


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