Zeanna Koopergeezer Character in Ekozia | World Anvil

Zeanna Koopergeezer

Dear Andreas, I am writing down these notes because I fear i will never see you again. They are close. I know it. Maybe these are the last words I will ever direct to you.
  Zeanna Koopergeezer was a person living a relatively unremarkable life as a smith's apprentice in a small village near Walkust. She disappeared a few days after the last Dark Tearfall and their family is afraid what might have happened to her.  
You know how it was for all of us - We all grew up hearing the stories, fearing the tearfall, the tales of all the monsters. But if we are honest? We did not take it as seriously as we should. They were stories of the past. We were foolish children. I was a fool.
  Her mother described Zeanna as a cheerful and adventurous person. Despite the warnings from her and pretty much any older person in the village, she and a few others went out during the Tearfall, breaking the Tearfall's Reclusion to gather supplies for their families. They returned one man short and completely shaken up. Neither of them was willing to say more than "an accident had happened". People were whispering about how the young people had maybe encountered Zecodspawn.  
Despite the constant begging of mother I just did not want to go to the ceremony. I felt awful still from the tearfall. The darkness did not want to go. You know what I mean, don't you?
  Multiple people in the village report that Zeanna was adamently refusing to participate i the cleansing of the Community Tear's Drying. Unbeknown to Zeanna, they send a message to the order of Sabesian Steelknights in the area, fearing the young woman might be corrupted. The Steelkingths were to determine, whether she was simply suffering from the comon Tearfall Mood or the much worse Tearfall Dread.  
I noticed the dark spots under the fingernails a few days ago. I could not hide them. People were looking nervously at me.
  Days after the Tearfall the missing person was found hanging on a tree. Zeanna's mother claims the shawl used belonged to her daughter. Shortly before this discovery, Zeanna and two others apparently had left the village in a hurry.  
I am exhausted. I am so hungry. Whatever I eat feels like dust in my mouth. I feel how the air nourishes me. But this is not enough. These <expletive> are getting closer.
  Zeanna was not careful in trying to hide, travelling openly and being clearly marked by the Dread. Additionally, she apparently chose to wear a Thorned Spiral with her, which created a clear trail for our seekers to follow.  
Let them come. I will defeat them! Zecod will guide me! Praise be the dark god
  Her defense was dangerously remarkable for a freshly corrupted. There were no fatal casualties, but three knights have to be treated againts possible marks of corruption. We found little belongings on her, except for some hastily written, unfinished letter to an unknown person. It will be burned with the rest of her belongings.


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Aug 18, 2022 09:36

A dark fate indeed.
Nice Idea of using two corellating storylines - the letter and the report - to show what happend!

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