William Fintuna Character in Ekal | World Anvil
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William Fintuna

(a.k.a. William Finmanson (human form))

A male sahuagin and the exiled prince of his people's underwater kingdom beneath the Karaga Sea. William has attended all of Pescaliat's greatest universities to learn more about the surface world and repair his people's reputation after they were used as pawns during the Sunken God's Reign of Terror. At Chusei University Headmistress Kyoko Hara persuaded him to take on some extra responsibilities in order to graduate, chiefly assisting Shogun Tolball and his military campaign in the Kiri Remnant.   After Tolball seized the city of Nekutalin and founded the nation of New Tolball William returned to Sanjuro City to complete his studies at Chusei. Upon graduation he headed back into the Karaga Sea to wrest control of the city-state of Tilapia with Teherse'singh's assistance, seeking to modernize the sahuagin kingdom and make it more involved in the affairs of the surface world.
Year of Birth
867 64 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Blue/Green Scales
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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