Felosial Aribond Character in Ekal | World Anvil
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Felosial Aribond


A female drow and leader of House Aribond in the Verschow region of Rakka. The daughter of the powerful matriarch Korda Aribond, at a young age she saw her mother assassinated by political rivals from House Baudissin for failing to focus on the present. For this reason Felosial is reluctant to use her innate divination abilities, choosing to focus on preserving House Aribond's status as a major family. She become somewhat optimistic about the future after the family's longtime allies from House Hainaut returned to power in 901, and with Felosial's help the Hainauts managed to foresee conspiracies against them and usurp control of the Verschow from House Baudissin.  

Physical Description

Special abilities

  • Wizard, School of Divination
Current Location
Year of Birth
773 162 Years old
Aligned Organization


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