Arjahn Kazemi Character in Ekal | World Anvil
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Arjahn Kazemi

A goliath nobleman from the kingdom of Sabha. His family made its fortune in the jewelry business, and Arjahn used the family fortune to fund lavish expeditions into the Campanel Desert to search for rare artifacts from long-lost civilizations. He sometimes collaborated with Tahrir College's anthropology department, but to the ire of the school's faculty many of Arjahn's ventures ended with the goliath seizing discovered artifacts and hiding them away in his personal collection. The nobleman took an interest in societies from Ekal's 1st Cycle, particularly the dragonborn kingdom who called the Temeraire Mtns home thousands of years ago.   It was Arjahn who discovered the draconic warforged Lilith Dracsthik in the summer of 900, selling it to the Rakkan government as a last-ditch adventurer for its quickly-depleting adventuring guild. He plunged deeper into the Temeraire Mtns, ignoring monster attacks and natural disasters to unearth further secrets about Ekal's earliest civilizations.

Physical Description

Facial Features

Tattoos in the shape of sand dunes mark his forehead and scalp.

Mental characteristics


  • Tahrir College, 887 - 892 (Archaeology/Arcane Languages double-major)
Current Location
Year of Birth
869 66 Years old


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