Tome of the Cosmos Myth in Eirath (Post Cataclysm) | World Anvil
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Tome of the Cosmos

"By the Tome of the Cosmos!"
— Common expletive used to express surprise over something unexpected.
  According to legend, the Tome of the Cosmos was an ancient text detailing all of history and the knowledge of future as recorded by the fates. The book was considered highly dangerous, and its viewing was restricted to the Gods alone, as it contained detailed information on all past and future events. The book was sealed in Exalos, the City of the Gods after the events of the Divine struggle. When the book was lost to the Gods, the Fates themselves stopped weaving the Loom of Kismet, giving morals complete freedom from the divine influence of Fates and obtaining free will.


The myth of the Tome of the Cosmos comes from the modern belief that the People's of Eirath are the masters of the their own destiny and while the Gods are still very important to their lives, are no longer the driving force behind their actions and can make choices of their own volition.

Historical Basis

The Tome of the Cosmos truly is sealed in Exalos along with many other divine writings and items. The evidence of its existence is in the form of the Gods themselves, who have sent mortals into the city to attempt to retrieve the tome and other things.


The myth is considered common knowledge in most places of Eirath. It is commonly spread by priests and all religious leaders to show that the Gods care for them.

In Literature

The Tome of the Cosmos is often used in stories and plays as a MacGuffin. Several poems have been written about finding the book as well and returning it to the Gods.

In Art

A famous work of Art Malvo's Betaryal of Gwendolyn depicts Gwendolyn's murder at Malvo's hands while he holds the Tome of the Cosmos.
Date of Setting
0 Post Cataclysm

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