The Story of the First Dragon Myth in Edo | World Anvil
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The Story of the First Dragon


Within a pure pond lived a school of carp. The carp worked together for their collective betterment but also had individual wants and ambitions. One young carp, Kaitai, was more ambitious than the rest, and each time he achieved a goal he went further and further than he did before. At first he was humble, seeking only small things like more food for himself, or a good nook to dwell in, but as he did more and more he wanted more. One day he had gone far enough and wanted to do something bigger than before: he wanted to become the ruler of the carps. He worked tirelessly to gain favour, to work for the benefit of everyone and to become a good enough person to be worthy of the title. He was awarded it finally, but instead of accomplishment he felt dissatisfaction. He wanted to go even further, work even harder, and become greater than he already was, and that's just what happened. Kaitai had willed himself past being a mere carp, he had grown into a dragon - the first dragon. He emerged from the carp pond glistening, his massive body extending upwards into the sky like it had never been able to before, but again he felt nothing. He went to a tall mountain, sneaked his claim as the king of the world and sat there. And sat there. And sat there some more. He sat there lonely, because he knew he was at the highest he could be and nobody would catch up to him. He used to have crap friends but now he had nobody. He was a dragon but what did it matter anymore? He did not know.

Historical Basis

This story is somewhat accurate to actual history, with a few major changes to give it a moral. Carp do become dragons, but they do not will themselves into the form, they become dragons after centuries in a holy carp pond being fed the right food and growing as they see fit for themselves. The name of the first dragon was indeed Kaitai, and he is documented as saying it was lonely at the top, however he is also documented as saying that at least he gets to talk to someone once and awhile now (implying that before he did not, meaning the communal carp pond was likely untrue). Additionally the story excludes the appearance of the second dragon some 300 years after the first, which completely ruins the moral that it set out to show.
Date of First Recording
Date of Setting

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