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Ravagers and Rogues

The Ravagers and Rogues series is widely regarded as the best series for pulp fantasy and erotic content. The series is the most prolific of its kind and has a tremendous, though secretive fanbase.   The series is written by many different authors over it's years but mainly follows the adventures of Evant, a mighty warrior with many different and inconsistent magical abilities and artifacts. It's widely regarded that the series took a downswing in quality around the 19th entry, but this should be weighed against the knowledge that none of it has ever been of a quality. The series had a bit of a reboot with the 21st volume, Rogues and Ravagers.


The most popular series for readers of this sort of Genre.
Series Titles
  1. Ravagers and Rogues, Buthormar Liliane
  2. The Mountains of Elysium, Buthormar Liliane
  3. Business before Pleasure, Buthormar Liliane
  4. In the Court of the King, Buthormar Liliane
  5. Ten Days in Teontia, Buthormar Liliane
  6. A Wound for my Heart, Beck Redreaper
  7. The Farmboy's Journey, Nelly Retcas
  8. Ten Tickles of the Sea, Deana Linley
  9. A Journey into the Deep, Deana Linley
  10. Kraken Some Eggs, Deana Linley
  11. Planar Pursuits, Beck Redreaper
  12. Handmaidens and Handaxes, Wyvorn Haley
  13. The Fox Hunt, Wyvorn Haley
  14. Alone in the Woods, Wyvorn Haley
  15. Shelves Full of Elves, Rayth Heslaf
  16. Sandy Coves and Treasure Troves, Shakhal Eagleeye
  17. Breath in Her Sails, Shakhal Eagleeye
  18. The Dragon's Daughter, Lacspor Tallbrand
  19. The Dragon's Daughters, Lacspor Tallbrand
  20. The Daughter of Dragons, Lacspor Tallbrand
  21. Rogues and Ravagers, Buthomar Liliane and Baroa Liliane (written after Buthomar's death with his notes, by his daughter)
  22. The Fantasies of Gods, Baroa Liliane
  23. Alunial and the Tent of Many Things, Baroa Liliane
  24. Saving the Privates of the Army, Albright Baldhelmson
  25. Soldier's March, Albright Baldhelmson
  26. The Dance of the Caiten, Zidar Casegar
  27. Vin and Loving It, Zidar Casegar
  28. The Wolf of the Delta, Earline Roughswift
  29. Deckhands and Demogorgons, Odaren Werdmit
  30. Bassh's Fury, Snatasha Umi
Item type
Book / Document
Uncommon, usually found in shops specifically for this purpose
Base Price
2-4 silver eyes depending on who you're asking
Raw materials & Components
Simple wood binding, parchment pages, each one is bound with a rotation of different colored ribbons.

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