Introduction to Eddur Geographic Location in Eddur | World Anvil
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Introduction to Eddur

The Story that tells itself.


Not much is known about the greater scope of Eddur's geography. For those on either continent it is believed that the surrounding oceans are too dangerous to travel and no sailing technology has been developed that can survive the journey. Some scholars who track the movements of the sun and moon believe that we are upon some sort of spherical contraption, a large ball that hurls through a void to some unknown end. Other speculate that we live upon a vast disc, spinning and rotating at such a velocity that we pass by these gargantuan light sources during our turn each 'day'. For those who believe in the Zinn, it can be said that we are like a coin held in a mariner's jar. A pretty thing to look at while they conduct their business beyond comprehension.   These theories have been argued among scholars for centuries, but few know the truth of what it all means. On the continent of Zinneria, there lives a woman; a mad woman who lives at the edge of society and spouts "facts" about the greater extent of the universe. She is shunned and reviled as a public menace, a disturber of peace. It is this woman who carries with her enormous sketches of things unknown, of mirrored worlds, vast milky spires and strange figures. For those of a more inquisitive mind there might be some sense made of her etchings, but if you wish to retain your grip on what is real, look away from these ravings. Of the few that can be borne to look upon, this journal of investigation has included a recreation of one such drawing. This, the author believes, is a keen insight into the complexities caused by the intersection between belief and science. Perhaps one day we will understand such mysteries, but for now, all we have is the guesses of the learned and mad.
— from the Journal of Worldly Investigation by Artami V. Twerig


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