Valkanan Cycle Tradition / Ritual in Eddur | World Anvil
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Valkanan Cycle


In ages past there existed a system to determine the time and date no matter what the weather or season. From this system this calendar was born. Removed from concern of the turning about the sun, this calendar was built to be precise and easy to recall. It was constructed on the concept of The Power of Five.


Every day, week, and month exists in groups of five: Five days make a week, five weeks a month, five months a year, five years to a turn. When representing the date, the Turn is often ignored.   A typical representation of a date includes the Day, Week, Month and Year either fully written out or collapsed into abbreviations: Ex. Mqualo, Argdt, Grav 1058 FT -- OR -- MAG 1058 FT   Days of the Week
  1. Mqalo
  2. Lind
  3. Thabani
  4. Drice
  5. Kodjo
  Week names
  1. Qulam
  2. Freck
  3. Argdt
  4. Yuchef
  5. Jor
  Month Name
  1. Grav
  2. Faur
  3. Anqu
  4. Hari
  5. Eith

Components and tools

The The Twilight Academy has a physical calendar that keeps track of the current date, they are the official resource for determining date where conflicts or confusion may happen.


Primary Related Location
For an active view of where things are in the timeline are check out the Google Calendar and track back for "The League of Farstriders - Current Day". Due to the speed of play, this may be several months behind.   To add it to your own list of calendars click HERE. This will allow you to search for the aforementioned event, and is set up to not provide any reminders, so it is an easily hid reference for when you need it.


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