Kutengwa Settlement in Eceon | World Anvil

Kutengwa (Coot-ang-wah)

A small village that is living on an island called Cardelia. The people are closed off and are knowledgeable. They’ve isolated themselves from the outside world except for trading and contacting family members. It also has the highest crime rate since its one of the poorest countries in the world.    


The roads are made of huckleberry planks which are smoothed out and have drains to keep the village from flooding. The water is distributed to houses by steel pipes. The rivers are used for power and made in The Whispering Canyon


Overall Architecture

  Almost all of the houses are made of wood and have slated roofs. The average sizes of houses are small and house up to 4 people. Some are made out of stone. Almost all of the houses has at least 2 windows depending on the district. There’s a small chimney to let the fumes out from cooking and baking. The profession buildings are suited to the job. The bakery has a larger window on the front while the lumber camp doesn’t have any and is one of the largest buildings in terms of length.


There are 2 districts which are separated. District 1 is a residential area with holds half of the population. The houses are built out of wood with thatched roofs. The people have a good life with good paying jobs and a nice house.   District 2 is in the southern region and is more dirty and only has 300 people. The houses are more worn down and not a very clean area. People are more poor and can barely afford a house. Some of them work in the other district since the jobs there pay more. Criminals live here too since it’s not as suspicious.


The town is surrounded by a wooden fence to keep outsiders away. Their natural defenses are the Everglades and the box canyon which make it even harder to get in.

Points of Interest

Special Features

by Samantha Oakey on Unsplash
The Whispering Canyon is about 200 ft deep and has a river flowing at the bottom. About 300 people visit the place every year. A lush green landscape sits on top of the canyon and is fenced off around the edges. Tours are given to tell the history of the place.


Water Features

Crater Lake

  Crater Lake is home to many fishes and aquatic animals. Most of the fishermen are found fishing here due to the vast variety of fishes. It’s surrounded by a beach that is often occupied with the townsfolk. It’s a tourist destination due to it’s natural beauty.

Great Lake

  Great Lake is where boats come in to the island during trading season. There are market stalls a few feet from the lake’s shore. Merchants come and purchase goods from the village looking for the unique types of wood and materials. Piers also serve as a resting point for the Whale’s that picks up and sends the letters.

Flora and Fauna

A Forest that goes by the name of The Unknown Wilds is home to Lizards, Squirrels, Antelope, and Deer which supply the meat for the townsfolk. Many kinds of trees are native to this forest: Hackberry, Maple, Dogwood and Cherry. Dogwood is the primary wood that all the houses are made out of. It’s a nice tan color and is the strongest wood.   There are many flowers and plants in the area but the Blood Daisy is the most notable plant in the area due to its ability. No one enters the forest where it grows.   Bean, Blueberry, Tomato and Butterfly bushes also grow here. They are used for food.


They have their own government and is a democracy like the main one.

Industry & Trade

The most common jobs are lumberjacks, nurses, blacksmiths and fishermen. Lumberjacks are in charge of getting the wood needed for houses and furniture. The wood is then transported to a building to store the wood and another one to make the planks, furniture, boats, etc.   Blacksmiths are responsible for forging the necklaces used at birth and weapons for the guards. They work underground to protect the village from fires that can occur and the citizens. The temperatures can be unbearable for people that don’t work there.   Nurses are responsible to treat injuries and the sick. There’s at least 10 people that need to be treated a week because of crimes being committed commonly which fills up the rooms quickly.   The fishermen are responsible for catching the local fish for meals and also retrieving letters from family and friends. They have access to small wooden boats and are often seen by rivers and out in the lakes. The fishing rods are a good quality but are susceptible to breakage after long hours in the water.   Merchants come to the island to trade. People from both districts come to trade and they are most interested in the gems and the food like bread and spices. Fabrics like silk, cloth and cotton are also traded.
by TheDoctor292 on Heroforge
by TheDoctor292 on Heroforge
Total Population
Known criminals
Urban Population
Rural Population

Cover image: by Oliver Collet on Unsplash


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Feb 22, 2022 05:32 by Michael Chandra

Nice distinction in HeroForge images between the two districts. Question: Are there any local predators or scavengers that cause trouble for the place?

Too low they build who build beneath the stars - Edward Young
Feb 22, 2022 05:50

Thanks! I wasn’t sure if that would be obvious. They rarely have any wild animal attacks in the village but if they do the guards will take care of it

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