Cults of the Dragon Below Organization in Eberron | World Anvil

Cults of the Dragon Below

С рассвета любой цивилизации - человеческой или дру¬гой - всегда были те, кто почитал Дракона Глубин, стре-мясь умиротворить силы тьмы через жертвоприношения и преданность. Как некоторые почитают свет, эти культи- сты погружаются в темноту. Их цели бывают различны. Некоторые стремятся выпустить даелькиров или при¬звать другие темные силы из Хайбера. Другие надеются купить проход на обещанную землю ниже поверхности Кхорвайра через кровавые жертвоприношения. В общем, независимо от их верований, культы Дракона Глубин в большинстве своём безумны, и всегда опасны. Культы Дракона Глубин наиболее могуще¬ственны в Теневом Пограничье. Война против даелькиров оставила глубокие шрамы на душе жителей этого реги¬она. Сегодня, многие из видных кла¬нов посвящены «меняющим плоть», и тайно работают с могущественны¬ми Необычными. Как и следует слу¬жащим безумию, культы не имеют ни¬каких связей друг с другом и часто работают в противоположных направлениях; все, что их объединяет - мечты о мире, в котором властвует тьма и зло. Символ Дракона Глубин Вне Теневого пограничья, культы следуют различны¬ми путями. Некоторые слушают безумные шепоты даель¬киров, другие привязаны к раджам ракшас, в то время как немногие непосредственно поклоняются прародителю, дракону Хайберу, как источни¬ку всех других, более слабых, проявлений зла. Обычно организация этих культов намного менее формальна, чем в сектах Теневого Пограничья. Как правило, одинокий проповедник собирает группу последователей, держащуюся на обещаниях власти или чистом обаянии лидера. Культы могут появиться везде - среди мещан и аристократии, среди воинов и мирных людей. Большинство культов работает в тайне, и члены ведут совершенно пристойную жизнь на свету, проявляя свою гнусную сущность под покровом ночи. Необычные твари часто присоединяются к культам, так как сектанты полагают, что те на самом деле являются са¬мыми красивыми и святыми существами. Одни секты вы¬ращивают эти несчастные кучи бормочущих ротовиков. Дольгримы, чокеры могут быть посланы, что бы помочь какой-нибудь группе, в то время как долгаунт, бихолдер, или иллитид может спокойно сам возглавить отдельный вией культа, и передаётся от священника к священнику. культ. Такой могущественный Необычный может дей¬ствовать от имени одного из даелькиров или, в случае ил- литида или бихолдера - на свой страх и риск. Культисты, наиболее преданно служащие даелькирам, могут полу¬чить от них симбионта (сморите стр. 2 ). Такие опера¬ ции проводят обычно сами «меняющие плоть». Это жи¬вущее оружие становится своеобразной семейной релик- Несколько культов Хайбера ищут власть и могут даже иметь вполне рациональный план, как достичь цели, но большинство из них всего лишь направляются безумием. Независимо от того, насколько здраво и организованно они могут казаться на первый взгляд, подавляющее боль¬шинство культистов по сути непостоянны. Фактически, ценность жизни для них равна нулю. Большинство счита¬ет себя избранными детьми Дракона Глубин, а окружаю¬щих существ - просто бесполезными насекомыми.
  Cults of the Dragon Below The Cults of the Dragon Below are made up of people fanatically devoted to the daelkyr or the fiendish overlords (both described in chapter 6). Though some choose this path, most are drawn to it by strange visions and corrupting madness. Like weeds breaking through the foundation of Khorvaire, Cults of the Dragon Below can spring up anywhere, at any time.
  Unlike other organizations with global reach, the cults have no organizing structure or principle. They are an infection inflicted on the world without reason. "Cult of the Dragon Below" is a term that outsiders use to describe any sect devoted to the daelkyr or the overlords. Each cult pursues its own mad schemes, tied to its dark patron. Even cults associated with the same master might not recognize one another as allies. You can roll on the Cult of the Dragon Below table to get a quick description of a cult, or you can create something entirely new. Whatever purpose cultists find or create for themselves from their twisted devotions, they pursue it with fanaticism. Even the most urbane and cultured cult leaders are unwavering in their convictions, entirely sure that their beliefs are good, true, and just.
  Cults of the Dragon Below d8 Cult 1 A cult of Belashyrra murders innocents and steals their eyes, magically preserving the image of the last thing the eyes beheld. The cultists collect the eyes in a deep vault, while new eyes grow in strange places on their own bodies. 2 A cult of Dyrrn the Corrupter seeks to transcend humanity by bonding with aberrations and symbionts. 3 A cult of Kyrzin, the daelkyr Prince of Slime, keeps a gibbering mouther in the basement and feeds their elders to this creature, believing their voices can still be heard in the whispers of the beast. 4 A cult of Rak Tulkhesh believes that this life is only a stepping stone, and members earn a path to paradise by spilling blood and spreading strife. 5 A cult of Belashyrra serves a beholder messiah, believing that only the eye tyrant has the vision to lead them to a golden age. 6 A cult of Dyrrn led by a mind flayer kidnaps people with dragonmarks, seeking to decipher the marks and transfer them to others. 7 An arcane think tank has become a cult of Sul Khatesh; the members believe they can heal the damage of the Mourning, but the eldritch machine they are building will surely cause more horror. 8 A cult of Rak Tulkhesh has sprung up among a local militia. Its members are convinced that refugees from the war are secretly inhuman monsters, and must be destroyed. The Cults and the War The war and its aftermath created a fertile breeding ground for the Cults of the Dragon Below. In this time of uncertainty and fear, it's easy for people to gravitate toward a group that provides a sense of purpose or a promise of security. This mindset is intensified by the spread of refugees in the wake of the Mourning, and by the lingering animosity that continues to divide people. In the Mror Holds, the conflict with Dyrrn the Corruptor has begun to leave its mark, with new cults appearing throughout the nation. In general, the chaos of the war has left behind ample areas of shadow in which new cults can form and thrive.
  Cults of the Dragon Below NPCs Some Cults of the Dragon Below are bizarre yet harmless, but most of them are dangerous and destructive forces that prey on innocents and vulnerable people. Some cultists are aware of the true nature of the beings they serve, but many are delusional; cultists might perceive their mind flayer master as a wise and gentle priest.
  Cult NPCs d8 NPC 1 A monstrous aberration (such as a beholder, a mind flayer, or a gibbering mouther) lairs beneath a popular inn, from where it twists the thoughts and dreams of those sleeping above. 2 The headmaster of an exclusive magic academy is actually a cult leader who is indoctrinating the students into a cult of Sul Khatesh. 3 A wizard found mad scrawlings hidden in a library book, used the writing to make contact with a daelkyr, and began creating aberration servants. 4 A mind flayer serving Dyrrn dominates a magistrate and takes control of the city watch using intellect devourers. 5 An assassin mixes mind-altering poisons laced with the whispers of a dark entity. 6 A dragonmarked heir whose fortunes were ruined in the Last War founds a cult within their house. 7 The local thieves' guild turns from mundane organized crime activities to bizarre murders and acts of chaos. 8 A respected noble behaves more erratically as time goes on, treating their servants and family with random and escalating cruelty. Cult Campaign Themes Cults of the Dragon Below make versatile villains in a campaign. They can be introduced as a threat early on, in the form of low-level cultists and small, disorganized cells. As the campaign moves through the tiers of play, stronger aberrations and fiends become viable antagonists, as well as more powerful cult leaders who serve the daelkyr, the Lords of Dust, or other dark entities.
  The cults can also serve different styles of play. One would be perfect for a slowly unfolding investigation that starts out seemingly mundane, but slowly delves deeper into otherworldly influences and dark magic. Allies become suspect, and perhaps even erstwhile enemies become necessary bedfellows.
  Alternatively, a cult can burst explosively onto the scene with a spray of gore and a horde of shrieking dolgaunts. Such an incident leaves no doubt about the cultists' evil nature, making them the obvious villains of the story.
  Cult Adventures The Cult Adventure Hooks table offers suggestions for story opportunities involving the cults.
  Cult Adventure Hooks d8 Adventure Hook 1 Children throughout town begin reciting the same nursery rhyme, adding increasingly disturbing descriptions as the verses progress. No one knows where they learned the rhyme. 2 Shadows around the old asylum take on a deep, inky cast, and things move just outside the light. Then the whispered laughs begin. 3 A seemingly healthy noble dies of heart failure brought on by extreme terror, but with no clear source. The noble recently had an exquisite portrait painted. Every other person portrayed by the same artist has also died in a similar fashion. 4 In a remote village, the local herbalist is condemned for practicing dark magic against the villagers. They swear their innocence to the characters and beg to be exonerated before their scheduled execution. 5 Magic items begin exhibiting strange side effects, causing minor warping of their users' flesh, or fraying their users' sanity. 6 Strange bounty hunters stalk the characters, seemingly aware of all their secrets and loved ones. Odd lumps writhe beneath the hunters' cloaks. 7 A crazed hermit wanders into town and commits suicide in a grisly fashion. All the food in the village spoils instantly, and aberrant creatures attack every midnight thereafter. 8 Several caravans have gone missing over the course of months. The authorities hire mercenary help after an aberration attacks while wearing the signet ring of a missing caravan master.
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