The Planes of Eberron in Eberron | World Anvil
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The Planes of Eberron

There are more planes of existence beyond the physical, there are many others. It is speculated that they are linked directly to one of Eberron’s moons. While a particular plane is strong, its moon is full and its effects will be felt the most. For example when Dolurrh is coterminous the shadows of Eberron are deeper, the nights longer, and the darkness more dangerous. Certain locations of the world have stronger ties to one or more of the planes, in these locations called manifest zones it is even possible to move between planes when that particular plane is at it’s strongest. Throughout history monsters or other threats have attempted to invade Eberron from other planes, many historic organisations and religions are dedicated to defend against this.  

The Planes

Plane Common Name
Baator The Nine Hells
Daanvi The Prefect Order
Dal Quor The Realm of Dreams
Dolurrh The Realm of the Dead
Fernia The Sea of Fire
Irian The Eternal Day
Kythri The Churning Chaos
Lamannia The Twilight Forest
Mabar The Endless Night
Risia The Plain of lce
Shavarath The Battleground
Syrania The Azure Sky
Thelanis The Faerie Court
Xoriat The Realm of Madness
Eberron & its Planes

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