Eberron King Jarot's State Funeral

King Jarot's State Funeral

Gathering / Conference

Nymm 26th, 894 YK

The state funeral for King Jarot was held on the night of the 26th of Nymm with Olarune, Zarantyr and Aryth shining down on the great king.

At Jarot’s state funeral Mishann approached her siblings to discuss the details of her coronation as Queen of Galifar. Thalin, Kaius, and Wroann refused to listen, rejecting her succession. They vowed to pit their personal guards against any such action. Wroann, in particular, declared that it was time for increased liberty and democracy, and that hidebound compliance with tradition was inappropriate. Wrogar backed Mishann’s claim, but the two of them had insufficient forces or, at that time, desire to exert their will on their siblings. The siblings and their retinues quit Thronehold with the succession issue wholly unresolved.   It was as if Zarantyr was the herald for the storm to come.

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