Eberron Independence of the Eldeen Reaches

Independence of the Eldeen Reaches


Zarantyr 23rd, 958 YK

The Wardens of the Wood, under the guidance of the Great Druid Oalian, announced the new nation’s neutrality and marched against any forces that threatened their new-found independence.

Perhaps emboldened by the success of the Valenar, the Eldeen Reaches declared itself independent in 958. The Wardens of the Wood, under the guidance of the Great Druid Oalian, announced the new nation’s neutrality.   The few remaining Aundairian were politely but firmly asked to leave. Most marched out; a notable exception was the “Lost Brigade” of Captain Naathen Sandburr. The site of that unit’s defiance was near Mossmantle, in a place now called the Bloody Glen. None of the 400 light infantry under Sandburr’s command survived, and the captain himself was crucified on an ancient oak.

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