Eberron Destruction of the Glass Tower of Sharn

Destruction of the Glass Tower of Sharn

Disaster / Destruction

Olarune 9th, 918 YK

Unknown Saboteurs destroy the enchantments supporting the Glass Tower in Sharn, one of the city’s oldest floating citadels. While most of the floating citadel toppled into the Dagger River, some of its spires strike the district of Godsgate, shattering buildings and killing hundreds.

Breland suspected Thrane or Aundairian involvement; Thrane blamed Cyre and Karrnath provocateurs. With spying and conspiracies so rampant, each week brought new rumors about the responsible parties. The anger of the Brelish people could find no specific outlet, and the government of ailing Queen Wroann could not muster the necessary focus to identify one. As a result, no major offensive was launched in response. The primary impact of the tragedy was a reinforcement of Brelish suspicions and isolation.

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