Eberron Necromancers of Karrnath

Necromancers of Karrnath

Metaphysical / Paranormal event

Dravago - Barrakas, 898 YK

During the spring and summer of 898, new armies arose within the catacombs of the City of Night

This came one of the first of the Last War’s many defining moments. Necromancers and corpse collectors created the first undead Legion of Atur. Rushed into position in time to face Aundair’s army at the Karrn River crossing, the massed undead warriors turned back the assault.   Although crucial in keeping Karrnath’s fighting capacity intact, the creation of undead soldiers was a diplomatic disaster. Those outside Karrnath’s borders, and even a few inside, were repulsed by the practice, particularly when it became known that undead were being created from the bodies of Karrnathi foes. These feelings deepened when more advanced undead soldiers—which became known as Karrnathi skeletons and zombies—began to trickle up to the front lines. In truth, Karrnath had little choice but to use the undead troops; surrender or collapse were the only other options.

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The Last War