Eberron Mror Holds Independence

Mror Holds Independence


Zarantyr 2nd, 914 YK

The Mror Holds declared itself a sovereign state at the fi rst Iron Council

In a preview of things to come, the Mror Holds declared independence from Galifar in early 914. The clan lords correctly reasoned that no one was in a position to enforce Galifar’s claim to the area, particularly not hard-pressed Karrnath. Still, the dwarf lords were no fools—the Karrns were their best customers for weapons, armor, and other materiel. Mror quickly reassured Kaius II that it intended to maintain close military ties.   As a result, munitions trade and other business between the two areas continued. Not content with Karrnathi gold, however, the Mror Holds clandestinely engaged Lhazaarite merchants to ship goods south to Cyre and Breland. War profiteering made all the dwarf lords extremely rich in the decades that followed.

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