Eberron Death of King Jaron of Karrnath

Death of King Jaron of Karrnath

Life, Death

Vult 17th, 972 YK

Five days after being wounded in the Winter Assault on Korth it is proclaimed that King Jaron died and that he has a newborn son, Prince Kaius.

While it was known that King Jaron was wounded in the Winter Assault initial reports claimed the injury was minor. Five days after the assault after, the country suffered a second shock when it was announced that King Jaron had passed away unexpectedly.   The same proclamation revealed that the old king had a newborn son, named after his father Kaius. This happy news did little to provide the nation with a strong wartime leader, however. Were it not for the Cyrans at Korth's gates, Karrnath might have dissolved as the warlords began bickering over who would be regent.

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