Eberron The final Battle

The final Battle

Military action

Olarune 19th - 20th, 994YK

Following the advanced forces, the main armies of Thrane and Breland met their advanced forces and pushed north meeting the Cyran force for what would be the last major engagement of the war.

The main body of Thrane and Brelish forces climbed up through the gullies and gorges to higher ground, and cut the Saerun Road some 200 miles southwest of Making (Mournland). The invaders numbered over 30,000, including 2,000 Crown Knights and other heavy cavalry, 2,000 heavy pike, 4,000 regular foot, and 6,000 peasant levies on the Thrane side.   The Brelish army featured 5,000 Brelish First Dragoons of Wroat, 1,500 heavy cavalry, 2,000 heavy foot (commanded by the renowned warforged Bastion), 3,000 Brelish Rangers and other skirmishers, 2,500 archers, 2,000 Zil wands, and 3,000 Valenar cavalry.   Through a series of quick hit-and-run maneuvers using the tireless warforged, the vastly outnumbered Cyran defenders gave the impression of being a much larger force. This illusion, and the command and control problems it caused between the invading allies, slowed the advance significantly. Given impossible orders to delay and yet preserve as much of their forces as possible, the Cyrans performed brilliantly.   On the second day, Cyran reinforcements from the east made the battle more even. The Cyrans held the road north with an army numbering perhaps 5,000 light foot and archers, 9,000 heavy foot veterans (mostly warforged), 2,000 light cavalry, roughly 1,400 untested Jarp hussars and wands, and a detachment of 3,500 hardened Darguun mercenaries.   Although outnumbered, the Cyrans were defending familiar terrain. Late in the afternoon, their battle lines were holding, and the outcome of the struggle was still in doubt. Suddenly, the sky caught fire and deep fogs gathered. Generalship, morale, strategy, and tactics—all was useless that day. The conflagration that enveloped the field was so bright that it blinded soldiers at Angwar Keep—over the horizon and half a continent away. Both sides died equally on the Day of Mourning.

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