Eberron The rampage of the Daughters of Sora Kell

The rampage of the Daughters of Sora Kell


Olarune 13th - Vult 26th, 986 YK

A trio of hags known as the Daughters of Sora Kell arrived in far western Breland.

AIn 986YK, a trio of hags known as the Daughters of Sora Kell arrived in far western Breland. Accompanying them was a army of monsters from their former lands. As they moved east, countless others joined them. The regiments of trolls, ogres, and gnolls overran settlements through the area west of the Graywall Mountains; the limited garrison troops of a distracted Breland proved little opposition.   Report even surfaced that detachments of Karrnathi troops, living and undead, were openly attacking Brelish positions and fighting beside the monsters.

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