Eberron Krazon's Southern Crusade

Krazon's Southern Crusade

Military action

Dravago, 976 YK

In the spring of 996 YK, the new Southern Crusaded pushed south, retaking the buffer zone created by the ceasefire with Breland. King Boranel reacted forcefully, rushing north with an army that included large numbers of newly purchased warforged.

By 976YK, Keeper Tagor’s attempts at moderation sparked a visible backlash within Thrane. The militants rallied around a zealous crusader—the young and newly invested Cardinal Krozen. Just as the Keeper launched a campaign to reaffirm the long-standing ceasefire with Breland (in fourteen years, this agreement had been bent on both sides by raids and border skirmishes but it had not been broken) and even offer concessions to win peace with defensive Cyre, Krozen and his supporters quickly quashed the plan. A new southern campaign would be commenced—Breland had been weakened by its losses in Darguun. Once again, nationalism and rigidity overwhelmed diplomacy, or even common sense.   In the spring of 996 YK, the new Southern Crusaded pushed south, retaking the buffer zone created by the ceasefire with Breland. King Boranel reacted forcefully, rushing north with an army that included large numbers of newly purchased warforged.   The massed Thranes crossed Brey River and recaptured Vathirond, but could move no farther southwest. King Boranel, his personal guard, and the warforged regiments seemed to be everywhere. The losses among the warforged were heavy, but Thrane's army was ultimately forced back beyond Lurching Tower.   The battle is most remembered for the personal bravery of Boranel, leading from the front and determined to hold the line against the invaders. In the aftermath, the king’s praise for the warforged soldiers was unalloyed. Those few who survived the battle were assigned to his personal guard, and even more Brelish funds were earmarked for House Cannith coffers.

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