Eberron The Brelish Crusade

The Brelish Crusade

Military action

Eyre 5th, 923 YK - Zarantyr 6th, 924 YK

Emboldened by their victory in the Battle of the Greenhaunt, the Thrane legions turned against Breland with full force in high summer, almost cutting the country in half.

In desperation, Regent Brask convinced the gnomes to march north and contracted with House Deneith for greater numbers of goblin mercenaries to support them. The looming Thrane threat brought about the first full-scale stirring of the sleeping bear. New volunteers and fresh material began flooding north. This fresh resolve blunted Thrane’s southern movement—the Brelish rallied and advanced from Wroat in the west and Starilaskur in the east.   Threatened with encirclement, the Thranes pulled back and set up defensive formations north of Hatheril. In 924 and 925, the fighting faltered as all the combatants paused to regroup. Raids against neighbors were

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