Ochre Jelly Species in Eberron | World Anvil
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Ochre Jelly

Monster Manual, p243
Ochre jellies are yellowish blobs that can slide under doors and through narrow cracks in pursuit of creatures to devour. They have enough bestial cunning to avoid large groups of enemies.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Oozes thrive in the dark, shunning areas of bright light and extreme temperatures. They flow through the damp underground, feeding on any creature or object that can be dissolved, slinking along the ground, dripping from walls and ceilings, spreading across the edges of underground pools, and squeezing through cracks.

Dietary Needs and Habits

An ochre jelly follows at a safe distance as it pursues its meal. Its digestive enzymes dissolve flesh quickly but have no effect on other substances such as bone, wood, and metal.   The first warning an adventurer receives of an ooze's presence is often the searing pain of its acidic touch. Oozes are drawn to movement and warmth. Organic material nourishes them, and when prey is scarce they feed on grime, fungus, and offal. Veteran explorers know that an immaculately clean passageway is a likely sign that an ooze lairs nearby.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Although an ooze lacks the intelligence to ally itself with other creatures, others that understand an ooze's need to feed might lure it into a location where it can be of use to them. Clever monsters keep oozes around to defend passageways or consume refuse. Likewise, an ooze can be enticed into a pit trap, where its captors feed it often enough to prevent it from coming after them. Crafty creatures place torches and flaming braziers in strategic areas to dissuade an ooze from leaving a particular tunnel or room.

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Ochre Jelly

Ability Score Increase +2 CON, +1 STR
Size Medium
Speed 10 ft.

Amorphous Body. Your body is malleable, allowing you to squeeze through gaps too small for other living creatures. You can move through a space as narrow as one inch without squeezing, and have advantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws and ability checks to escape being grappled. Equipment that would not fit through gaps you pass through is left behind.   Blindsight. You don't have eyes, but can effectively see by emitting an inaudible frequency and detecting its reflection. Using this, you have blindsight up to 60 feet away, regardless of light. You are blind beyond this radius, however, and cannot perceive light, color, or any other visual phenomenon. You can't be blinded by light, but while deafened, you are considered to be also blinded.   Ooze Nature. You don't require sleep, you're resistant to acid damage, and immune to slashing damage.   Spider Climb. You can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.   Split. As a reaction, when you would be reduced to 0 hit points, you may choose to split yourself into 1d4+1 tiny oozes. Each of these oozes has a speed of 10ft and 1d4 hit points. These oozes cannot take any action other than a move action. At the end of a long rest, any remaining oozes merge together to reform your body.

Languages. Goblin


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