Werewolf Species in Ebea | World Anvil
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The Mooncalled

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Werewolves are Humanoids. The height, weight, physical features of a werewolf are dependent on what kind of Humanoid they are. Their life expectancy is slightly below the average common for their species.   Werewolves have severe allergic reactions to silver, making silvered weapons particularly effective against them. Other than that, they are more resilient than regular Humanoids and immune to most diseases and illnesses. They can, however, contract Moonlight Fever, which typically ends deadly. A Werewolf will always revert to its Humanoid form upon death.

Genetics and Reproduction

Werewolves are either born that way when one or both parents are Werewolves or they get turned when injured by a Werewolf. Those who got turned into a Werewolf can be cured of lycanthropy with the Remove Curse spell. Those born a Werewolf, however, cannot be cured in such a manner.

Ecology and Habitats

Werewolf packs prefer remote places where they can run free and hunt without being disturbed by other humanoids or hunters. For their safety, they avoid hunting too close to the settlements. Thus they often settle in forested areas.

Dietary Needs and Habits

While shifted, Werewolves are carnivores. When in their Humanoid form they will also eat fruits and vegetables but will still prefer meat. It is not uncommon for them to consume their meat raw or partially raw.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Many Werewolves live in packs outside of society. These packs sometimes include wild wolves and dire wolves. These packs typically follow similar structures as regular wolf packs and often have one Alpha leading the pack. The Alpha's job is to protect the pack from dangers from both the outside and the inside. The pack usually follows the moral and ethical outlook of their Alpha.

Average Intelligence

Many Werewolves have a difficult time controlling their wild side. The inner beast often is ravenous and more prone to acting on instinct. Werewolves cannot resist transformation on the full moon. With enough practice and experience, they can achieve a partial shift, which comes with heightened senses, sharp claws, and teeth but allows them more rational thinking than complete transformation.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

A Werewolf's senses depend on whether it is in Humanoid form, or partially or completely shifted into its beast form. While shifted, a Werewolf benefits from a keen sense of smell and hearing and can see in the dark. They are, however, unable to distinguish colors the way Humanoids can and unable to speak in beast form. When in their Humanoid form, Werewolves retain the senses typical for their race.

Civilization and Culture


The origin of Werewolves goes all the way back to the Age of Discovery. As the story goes, there was a group of poachers who killed, trapped, and maimed a huge amount of wildlife for profit and entertainment. This enraged both Aherin, Aspect of Life, and Vaias, Aspect of Freedom. The two deities banded together and cursed the poachers, so others might immediately see how hideous they truly were and so that they too might be hunted and killed by their fellow men.   Since then, the history of Werewolves has continued to be a bloody one.
Written for Spooktober
Prompt 02: Hunt
Scientific Name
Lycanthrope or Lycan
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The fur color for born Werewolves seems to be hereditary. It ranges from almost white to varying shades of brown and grey to almost black.

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