Bishop Character in Earthend - The World of Thundarr the Barbarian | World Anvil
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Portrait Cultist by Sarafiel on DeviantArt
A diabolical Wizard embedded in a Human sanctuary portraying himself as a divine savior.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He has the appearance of a 65 year old man, though his age is 300 or so. The blood sacrifices slow his aging process.

Special abilities

Blood Magic grants him considerable prowess. For those abilities not described here, consider his Wizard rank to be High Wizard eligible.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

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He was a vile criminal aboard the fallen spaceship. He suffered significant head trauma in the crash. His memory was lost for a time. A group of humans brought him in and took care of him. Shortly thereafter an injured human triggered his blood magic powers and he regained his memory. The original good samaritans that cared for him were a part of a growing community of survivors and religious faithful. He discovered a book a few of them took great pains to protect called a Bible. He read the book and took inspiration from it. He believes himself to be a fallen angel and the rightful ruler of the planet. So he used his blood powers to control the Sanctuary and spread is campaign among the Earth hiding behind his robes as a Savior for all humanity.


Humans are interesting creatures. They need to mate to repopulate, but few bother to do so. This is good for group control and mind manipulation. Once the generations are utterly convinced that Bishop provides and protects, they will no longer feel the need to break away. Who needs slaves when you have subjects?

Failures & Embarrassments

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He is concerned that First Brother, Mannie, is becoming more and more "independent" instead of obedient. A few discreet hypnosis attempts to regain control of him have been ineffective. If it were not for Thundarr's intrusion, a more severe ritual would be used to get him back in the fold. Those efforts will have to be postponed until the new "guests" are addressed.

Mental Trauma

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He suffers nightmares of hell and hears voices of the damned. The blood magic is a drug to him and he needs victims to prevent from becoming raving mad/

Intellectual Characteristics

He is cunning and has been following Thundarr and the group for a while. He uses the blood of others to bring out past villains to keep Thundarr distracted or trick the group into fighting for his campaigns.

Morality & Philosophy

Blood is the key to life.


The The Great Presence is a myth that needs to be a crutch for his power to grow. It will be used to the fullest extent he can.

Personality Characteristics


World Domination through his new theology

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Reasonable with electonics, although by no means a technician. He was an alien pathologist by profession, so he has a solid background on biology.


Religious Views

If one could pin it down it would be a diabolical misunderstanding of Christianity. Although he doesn't believe in deities, the Great Presence is something he latches on. A sense of greater divine power is the best explanation of why he can do such marvelous feats.
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If the full personality manifests completely - All elements of humanity are lost and his primordial spirit form is that of an ancient lich.
Lawful Evil
His brown eyes have a glaze about them. His eyebrows are long, curly and peppered with silver
Brown with ash grey ends. It falls to his shoulders in a lazy unkempt style.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale to grey
He standard about 5'9
his frame averages about 150 lbs
Character Prototype
Bishop is a madman and was locked away for his homicidal purposes. However, this is only a fraction of the story. Literally. A creature with multiple personalities. His "Beast" or dominant personality is the Wizard Norious. A high-level demon lord who thrives on the blood of others. The personality was subdued by recent trauma to the head and a brother who is discovering he has some secrets of his own. As time goes on, it becomes apparent that the lesser personalities are being subjugated by Norious and he struggles how to keep the monster from exposing his position among the settlement. Can you say "Split?"

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