The holographic computer implant, or holoplant, is a micro-scaled, portable version of the holgraphic computer that most people are more likely to have access to. The holoplant is a flexible device meant to be implanted in the subdermal layer of the owner's skin, usually in the palm of the hand or analogous appendage. the device itself is an approximately one millimeter by four millimeter tube with a small, lensed protrusion that sits flush with the surface of the skin, from which interactive holograms are projected.
The hologram has full internet access and is coded with the same security clearance as the owner. There are view modes of both three-hundred sixty degrees and thirty degrees to maintain privacy in necessary situations.
Like the full-size holo, the owner interacts with their holoplant by swiping their fingers/analogous appendages through the projected image. The holo will register the fingers of both hands, where applicable, and make accommodations for the limited motion of the fingers attached to the palm where the holoplant is applicable. The holoplant also allows voice commands and ocular commands, where applicable. The default setting prevents others from manipulating it or it being transferred to someone else or operated when extracted, so there's little value in attempting to amputate the owner's hand. This setting can be overridden.
Because of the substantial cost and the readily available access to full holos, those devices being in most rooms at least audibly if not visually via speaker systems, demand for the holoplant is low and limited to the highest ranking members of limited fields. Chief medics and admirals, for example, will usually have holoplants, but no other medics or captains. They are slightly more commonplace in maintenance and manufacturing settings, as spaceship repair and space construction can oftentimes put the workers in situations where they need visual schematics without access to a full holo.
1mm x 5mm
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