Boonese Ethnicity in Earth under the Boon | World Anvil
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Those that live under the Boon are called Boonese.   At their roots, the Boons are space engineers. They solve problems, pracitical and intellectual problems. How do I solve my world's hunger? Where do I put these dangerous wastes? How can I protect my planet's ecosystem? What are the best specs for my spaceship's ventilation system?   The Boon know, they've been at it for litteral milennias. And they might be getting tired of it, even the most recent members of the Boon seem to agree how tiring it is to remind every species to stop pursuing personnal gain at the expense of their planets.   This ethnicity spans over thousands of worlds and people, converted weither they wanted or not.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Bahd Ai. Noh Mish. Coud Yu.

Masculine names

Poin Tak. Itso Lebl. Dat Tsub.

Family names

Hen. Dea. Ahd. Uhr. Noht. Taek. Ihd.


Beauty Ideals

A muscularily even body. Clothes that go well with the skin color.

Gender Ideals

Who cares?

Courtship Ideals

Don't be rude, don't be gross. You can be rude if you're funny though. If you're gross, that's still a no-no (except in certain circles).

Relationship Ideals

Never lie about your feelings.
Encompassed species
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