Talgary Organization in Earth Two | World Anvil
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The Grand Council is in charge of the country. The Executive authority is led by each representative of the 17 districts in Talgary. Every two years, a representative serving on the council is elected Royal Pathfinder, who manages the foreign policy and all diplomatic interactions publicly. The council however has control over this position. The group is responsible for making and enforcing laws.


The lands of modern day Talgary's earliest known recorded settlement was by the Les Renes tribes, who flourished around the 450's RB. However settlement of the region is believed to have existed for at least two millennium before. This group used a written language of mixed french and English alphabet, presumably developing based upon the southern Regellico system. Cultural attitudes were based upon the polytheistic Kludethy belief system in the Novane kingdom, as well as traditional central Peraquian beliefs. The Helliveri tribe was the most prominent of this culture in the first two centuries. This tribe carved a large territory along the Baizeau coast. Throughout the 300's, several towns and cities grew to fruition, the most notable being Gilolstin and Azhego. These cities and coasts were much more locally governed as opposed to other kingship based systems in North and central Peraquiem at the time. In the fifth century, the kingdom expanded to lands in modern day Khomm and western Corsin. This interaction brought it into greater contact with the Corsin states, including the economically powerful Cropia. Through this interaction, the region of Talgary was introduced to Christianity. Tribianism, while not popular among the population, was devoutly supported by the elite classes. The peninsula experienced a time of peace in the 7th, 8th, and 9th centuries, Talgary's states continued to maintain its power, in large part due to its natural mountainous terrain that kept out invaders of its core lands.  
In 1322, A federal charter was signed to indicate a unified body between four states of Deusxicef: Helliveri, Qicra, Ardek, and Khruz. These states were at the neck of the Deusxicef peninsula. This government was headed by the noble class and supported by various wealthy patrons. By 1350, two other major states on the western Deusxicef peninsula, Ostrohiel, had joined this confederation. Unlike other systems of neighboring kingdoms or ones used in the future, almost no executive authority existed, states maintained almost all administrative powers. The Confederacy was founded to ensure a peaceful flow of trade and overall peace between states. However, Talgary was more capable of defense, being able to retaliate against pirates of the Suiem strait as well as against neighboring rival powers, Novane and Dawhoula. Talgary's existence was shaky, when only five years after its unification, Talgary was defeated by the kingdom of Khomm. The Confederacy was able to fend off an invasion from the neighboring kingdom of Iopluatan in 1397. But following the Muslim invasion drawing stronger powers attention away from Talgary, the country was able to build up its military and fend off threats. Its location on the Suiem Inlet also allowed its economic interests to not be threatened by the conflict. But the conclusion of the fighting and formation of Corsin brought trouble to Talgary. intense buying resulted in the economic instability of its neighbor, which combined with cultural adoptions of Talgarian practices, allowed the country to annex Dawhoula in 1457.

Corsin invaded Talgary in 1528. The country resisted Corsani invasion for three years, but the sheer economic capacity and ability of Corsin spelled eventual defeat for Talgary. Corsin easily overcame the natural defenses of Talgary and its small military. However, despite Corsin instituting a governor, the wealthy elite maintained most control of Talgary's economic and cultural functions. Funding from wealthy patrons continued to extend the influence of Tribianism through public architecture and art, such as the painting of Christ by notable artist and inventor Edgar Fidalgo. Talgary gained favorable trade with Corsin, and achieved new technological innovations, such as stronger ships and the printing press from Corsin. The Bougainton and Montarelli families used the purchasing power to but Talgary's freedom in 1682. The country developed into a plutocratic oligarchy. Compared to previous iterations, emphasis was removed from the states, and a standing military was raised. The economy expanded, and the Central Jumbian Company, meant to manage Talgarian imports and exports overseas has established in 1671. In 1702, the War of Reformation erupted, mostly between Tribian nobles and Crestentin peasants, unhappy with economic crises, in disgaraging poverty. This war resulted in few casualties, and as settled quickly. As a result, the ruling class handed authority into an elected system.

In 1842, Talgary, facing a surge of nationalism following a widespread support of the current ruling class and rapid luxury industrialization, colonized the eastern provinces of Kyestulistom, in order to exert control over the Suiem Inlet and the territory's resources. It formed a provisional, loyal puppet state. Talgary also began expand its naval power. In 1891, Talgary began to design plans for a national interstate system, as the invention of automobiles necessitated more roads. Talgary's colony was invaded in 1927 by Lespaira. With the help of its allies, talgary was able to defeat the conflicting powers. The country was invaded by the United Khomm Provinces in the first World War in 1933. Khomm, having a small armed forces, worked with Corsin to fend off the Khomm forces. Talgary won, and was awarded land for their role. Talgary continues to be a major player in the world's economy. While not directly joining the ADN, the International Credit is the official currency of Talgary. Talgary has been a center for medical and technological developments.

Demography and Population

Talgary has a population of 12 million people. Talgary has a very uniform population, due to its geographical isolation for much of its history. The lucrative and successful markets of research and rare minerals make Talgary a very important business center, as such it attaches many immigrants from surrounding countries. Sects of Khommians, Corsani, and Lesparians live in the country's population centers. However, the largest groups are Novurs, immigrating from Talgary's neighbor. Due to the immense wealth, most of the population can read, and the country has a literacy rate of 97.1%. The strong familial structure of Talgarian society has led to a birth rate of 4.1 children per family.


The Talgarian terrain is characterized by its most recognizable feature, the tall mountains that lay in the west of the country. Talgary's tall, black, cliffs are some of the most familiar in the world. This land feature lines the coasts of Talgary on the Suiem Inlet. Talgary is also recognized by its sloping, huge valleys that fall among the mountains. The steepest, and most majestic, in Peraquiem, they are covered in much more vegiation than the sparse, rocky face of Talgary's mountains, lying along the coasts of the country. The low lying plains of the southeast are fed by the Iredicless River, which it and its tributary rivers irrigate many farms. The plains are much flatter, but host less settlement than the western mountains. Talgary has cool, wet summers and cold, dry winters.


Talgary has a very small military. talgary has a very easily defended mountainous border between its capital and foreign powers, one of the main reasons it wasn't conquered by Khomm in WWI, and therefore funding for a standing army has been neglected by the ruling class. While its technological level is comparable to other modern Peraquiem armies, Talgary's volunteer forces have been very few. Its small navy guards its coastlines and protects its shipping routes.


The most common religion in Talgary is Tribianism. Introduced the the country in the 400's by Lesparian traders, the elite classes were very keen to adopt the practice. Many schools and churches centered for the religion became common. However, Crestentin, an influence from Talgary's much larger neighbor Corsin, is very common among the lower classes in the eastern states of the country. Islam, coming from Kyestulistom across the Suiem Inlet, is found in small sects in the country's larger population centers.

Agriculture & Industry

Talgary has very little farmland, and as such, its agriculture has only a minor role in its economy. However, spinach, wheat, are barley grow excellently in the wet and cool climate of Talgary. These crops are mostly exported and sold overseas. Talgary specializes in rare gemstones, which are found in its mountains. Extraction and refinement of these resources into jewelry and high end watches is Talgary's most recognizable industry. Talgary has many natural gas deposits and refineries, to treat those products. Propane is another of the country's major exports. The nation has very competitive pharmaceutical markets, and spearhead development and research for drugs to treat diseases. Talgary's location provides it access to the Suiem inlet, and as a result the country is a producer of pearls and fish. Talgary also has a large banking and financial base.

Trade & Transport

Despite its small size and rather rugged terrain, Talgary was the first nation to sponsor a national interstate roadway system to be used by cars and trucks. This interstate system facilitates transportation and trade in the country. Talgary's small size made such a system much more easy to manage. Other nations have instituted similar projects modeled after the Talgarian system. As a result, rail trade is much less used than in other nations.


Talgary's most notable infrastructure are its massive highway bridges that span miles across steep valleys and tunnels which borough deep through its mountains. This huge network of well-maintained roads are one the best examples of a state funded roadway in the world. Talgary's capital is home to many towering skyscrapers. magnificent, centuries old Tribian churches are also scattered throughout the country. Its port cities feature extensive docks for ships.

Façonné Par Dieu

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Talgarian Confederacy
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
The Talgarian Kadho is the official currency used in the country, consisting of assorted coin and paper bill units.
Major Exports
Talgary is known for its luxury commodities. Watches, gemstones, cosmetics, and other jewelry products are mined and made in Talgary. natural gas products, including propane, are also a profitable industry. various species of fish are harvested and exported to other nations.
Major Imports
Talgary must import most of its food, as it has little land to use for staple crops. Much of this food comes from Corsin. Manufactured goods, such as household electronics and cars are also imported.
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

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