Vallis Pinguium Geographic Location in Earth Reborn | World Anvil

Vallis Pinguium

A little slice of heaven in the Northern continent.

Written by littletoes101

The rolling hills of the Vallis Pinguium gave shelter, food, and water to our earliest ancestors. Without it, they never would have thrived.
— Excerpt from a historical novel written by Maeve Gaiane Blackfoot, a member of the Alcanis (full alba canis reversus, lit. "striped back dog") species, known to us as the Thylacine (Thylacinus cynocephalus). She was the most influential historical writer of her time.
  Vallis Pinguium (lit. fertile valley) is where the first known settlement of sapient animals was recorded before the dying-times. This valley is the only known place where the members of newly extinct species appear. It is traditional for a designated member of a randomly chosen animal family to greet any newly extinct creatures who come to Novanati. Because there are no territorial claims here, new animals can stay here as long as they need to before they find somewhere to settle down.


During Spring

During the months of Spring, the Valley is at its most beautiful. The river is full and flowing normally at this time. Wildflowers and natural flowers bloom all over the valley, creating beautiful colorful patterns. The grass grows high and green, and there is rarely any excess rainfall during this time.  

During Summer

While the months of Summer in the Valley are not extremely different from the months of Spring, the river's levels are slightly lower at this time. The Valley is widely considered to still be beautiful during Summer. Different species of flowers grow this season, with different colors and in different patterns. The grass is still high, but significantly less green because of the hotter climate. There is not much rainfall at all during Summer.  

During Fall

The climate starts to cool in Fall in the Valley, preparing for the changes that Winter will bring. While there are few trees due to the nature of being a Valley, the small trees and bushes that do grow begin to lose their leaves. Flowers generally begin to die at this time, and hardier plants take their place. This is normally the time when vegetables and other crops are harvested that are grown in the Valley for safekeeping. The grass begins to get shorter and die.  

During Winter

In Winter, the climate cools rapidly and gets cold enough for light snowfall. Snow never piles up more than a foot in the Valley on any given surface, and it does not become difficult to access due to snow blockage. Even so, most plants do not grow during this time, trees and bushes remain bare, and there is little grass. Most plants remaining have to be hardy and tough to survive.
Believed to be the first settlement spot for the first arriving animals to Novanati, this Valley is not only protected, but it is also not owned by any one governing body or family.
Owned Since
Cultural Significance
It is considered a tradition and a privilege to come here to greet arriving animals.
Alternative Name(s)
Fertile Valley, Valping
Location under
Septemtrionis novam terram


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