Gwenhwyfar Redhearted Character in Earth Reborn | World Anvil

Gwenhwyfar Redhearted

A hero among animals.

Written by littletoes101

Welsh form of Guinevere, a name derived from the words for "fair, white" and "phantom, magical being"
A traditional Saber-type last name, this was a last name given to a family of great bravery and battle prowess
(a.k.a. Gwyn, Lady Gwyn)

Divided, we cannot stand together. If we cannot stand together as one, this world and all of the animals in it will surely vanish. That is what the Gods have told me.
— Gwenhwyfar Redhearted, after calling all of the warring animal species together at the Lignum Vitae (lit. tree of life).
  Gwenhwyfar Redhearted was, at the time of her life that made her a legend, a young, snow white furred Ducudente (full form dum curvo dente, meaning long curved tooth), known to us as a Thylacosmilus atrox. She had striking blue eyes, and black tear-streak marks around her eyes, said to be given to her by the Gods at birth to represent the tears shed over the blood that had been spilled during the war. Despite being born almost completely deaf, Gwenhwyfar quickly rose to prove herself in battle. However, it would be her pacifism later on in life that would become what the world remembers her for now.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Throughout her whole life until the very end, Gwynhwyfar stayed in near peak physical condition. Always well-muscled and strong, she only suffered from illness at the end of her life. She was, however, mostly deaf, though she could speak and could also read lips.

Body Features

Short fur, longer-limbed than most of her species with blunt, short claws instead of long ones as were common for her species. Short tail, small ears and eyes, and slightly above average sized sabers.

Identifying Characteristics

Striking black tear marks around her eyes.

Physical quirks

She was primarily left-handed, although she was known to be ambidextrous. She walked with what was described as a slight swagger or hop to her step.

Apparel & Accessories

Always wore bear claws on a necklace around her neck and had bright blue feathers pinned to her shoulder.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to a mother and father in the year 9925 DT, Gwynhwyfar was the only surviving cub out of a litter of three. She had two brothers, who, while they were stronger at birth, became ill not long after. She was the only cub who did not catch the illness, and therefore was able to survive. As she grew older, the burden of being her family's only cub grew heavy on her shoulders. She was expected to join the Great War of the Dying Times, just as her family had in the years before. While she did at first, and excelled in battle, she quickly found it tiring.   One night, while she slept, the great Gods and Goddesses of Novanati appeared to her in a dream. They told Gwynhwyfar that she was to end the Great War by spreading peace through the clashing species of animals, or their second chance at life would be lost along with their first. Although she did not fully understand this message at the time, she accepted the challenge, and took to spreading peace and nonviolence through the world. While her message was largely rejected at first, her unwavering bravery even when she was being threatened brought many to her side.

Gender Identity

Although she was designated male at birth, Gwynhwyfar changed her given name early and identified as female from a very young age.


Gwynhwyfar was strictly interested in female-identifying creatures, and did not mind cross-species relationships, which were frowned upon in her time.

Personality Characteristics


Peace and the end of war on Novanati forever.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Was known to be a terrible liar.
Lawful Good
Current Location
The Abovelands
9925 DT 9750 DT 175 years old
Circumstances of Birth
The only survivor of a litter of three cubs.
Circumstances of Death
Died quietly surrounded by family in her home.
Redhearted Family Residence
Current Residence
The Abovelands
Male (XY Chromosome)
Ice blue
Short, soft, and completely white save for the black tear streaks around the eyes
31 in. tall at shoulder
300 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
Divided, we will fall.
Known Languages
Though Latin was her first language, she became fluent in English, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, and French in order to better communicate with others.

Cover image: by Wikimedia Commons
Character Portrait image: by Wikimedia Commons


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