Tenebrin Geographic Location in Earhion | World Anvil
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The Tenebrin is a dark and almost entirely unknown place, an even darker version of Earhion and the Fliptide. Where the Fliptide is a twisted, caustic reflection of Earhion, the Tenebrin is the dark and indistinct shadow of both. It is almost impossible to access through Earhion, having only a few impermanent passages in the deepest, darkest, and most cryptic of shadows. Even its entrances in the Fliptide are difficult to find, enshrouded as they are with shadow and wavering boundaries. The only permanent portal is below the Isle of Dread.


Much as shadows project only a flat silhouette, the Tenebrin only vaguely resembles Earhion and the Fliptide in shape. Islands have no coastlines, simply merging into the black ocean, and cities tower in profile, changing and shifting and becoming something entirely new with every change of perspective. The Sea of Blood exists as the blackest sea among the black seas, wherein near-imperceptible and impossibly dark shadows imply terrible beasts. The Sea of Storms is rent asunder by the lightning in the planes above, whose light obliterates the very fabric of the Tenebrin, while the silhouettes of jagged rocks and crashing waves merge into one continuous ombromanie. The Sea of Frost is a flat and lightless expanse, where water and ice are indistinguishable. The Mongrel's Islands belch only smoke, cities are inhabited by naught but shadow-folk, and shadowgraphic ships trawl the sunless seas.

Localized Phenomena

Light has a deleterious effect upon the very fabric of reality in the Tenebrin. As such, anything touched by light is either destroyed or temporarily excised from reality, restored only when the all-encompassing darkness returns. Even those not of the Tenebrin are not safe in the light: at best, the absence of the Tenebrin's planar fold will see them falling up into the reflection that is the Fliptide. At worst, they will be cast into the void within and without the Mortal Planes, left floundering as the Prime Material falls away.

Fauna & Flora

The Tenebrin's inhabitants are primarily the shadows - both literal, metaphorical, and archetypal - of the denizens of Earhion and of the Fliptide. Sentient beings tend to cast the undead shadow - that is, the creature known as a shadow - while stranger beasts still swim in the lightless depths. Flora exists as wavering, towering silhouettes or as brambles of gloom and penumbra. Few things not of the Tenebrin can thrive for long.

Natural Resources

Needless to say, most things here tend to be made, at the core, of literal shadow-stuff: darkness so deep and so true that it has coalesced into having weight and substance. Any harvested plants or killed creatures are likely to unwind into umbra, while minerals are universally the truest of insulators and absorb all light. Almost anything taken from the Tenebrin is obliterated and excised by the light of the Fliptide and Earhion.
Alternative Name(s)
The Shadow of the World
Dimensional plane

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