The Children
It is said that the endless caves of the mountains in the centre of Castaponda are the home of the Dragon. It is why the nearby villages are called "Dragon's Breaths" - and because the summer winds are as hot as dragon's breath.
It is said that once every ten years or so, the Dragon calls a young woman, speaks to her mind, and she follows his lead to his cave. Each of those young women return after a few days silent, with their eyes unfocused, and with child. They say that the Dragon takes their mind forever, that's why they are unable to speak, or even understand what is happening. they birth their children in silence, and all invariably die, as the human body cannot stand the birth of dragon's blood.
The Children born to these women are unlike other children. Their eyes are different, not one colour, but many, shimmering. They choose their own names and will answer to no other given to them. They never cry, they do not play with other children. They spend their time concealed within. Whatever knowledge or skill they have, they seem to have been born with it, as they know the letters without being taught, and when they speak, their words carry more wisdom than the wisest of the elders. They have power, which grows slowly, but surely, and this power is connected to the elements. They can control flames and storms, trees and rivers. They have a magic that neither the saeli-tuk nor the mages of the Academy can explain, measure, or utilise. It is primal, and connected to life itself.
And they do say that when the Children die, their bodies become sources of magic, and whoever is born near one, can partake in the powers of the Dragon, but wild and unpredictable, because they do not share blood.
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