Amanistic Funeral Rites Tradition / Ritual in Ealdwyll | World Anvil

Amanistic Funeral Rites

May your soul be free to be reborn again.
— Words spoken by family members when saying goodbye to the deceased
  An amanistic funeral is heavily influenced by the belief in reincarnation. For the deceased a funeral marks the transition from this life to the next. It is a new chance to get one step closer towards an eternal life in the presence of Ama. Funerals are therefor very important because it is the only way for the soul to be free. A trapped soul can not be reborn.  


  1. With great care the deceased is washed with scented oils. Afterwards the body is wrapped in white linnen. Small burial gifts are sometimes placed in between the wrappings.
  2. The deceased is carried by family members or friends to the place of cremation. Everyone who will be attending the funeral walks behind the family of the deceased. The entire group chants passages from the Ghynzuan Book of the Dead to help the soul prepare for its rebirth.
  3. The deceased is placed on a funeral pyre. One by one the attendants will say goodbye to the deceased and leave a burial gift at the pyre.
  4. Monastics recite passages from the Ghynzuan Book of the Dead while the pyre is lit.
  5. The next day family, friends and monastics gather at the remains of the funeral pyre. Ash and bone are recovered and placed inside an urn. The appropriate chants will be sung as the urn is brought to the local burial grounds. There the urn is buried and a small stone is placed engraved with the name of the deceased.
  6. One month after the funeral the deceased's family and friends will come together to make offerings in name of the deceased. This is repeated yearly.
Primary Related Location
Organization | Nov 8, 2021


Author's Notes

This article was written during Inktober 2019 for the prompt of day 13: Ash.

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