The gift to The Dark Queen Tradition / Ritual in Dýrfold | World Anvil
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The gift to The Dark Queen

The Dark Ones are known throughout the land as murderers who worship a Kashen (God/Goddess) of their making. They are known to have killed many, and are always killing in the broodiest ways.  Only few have ever gotten into their base, and fewer have gotten out alive. All the information we know about it is here, and only from who has watched it and listened in on their conversations


This ritual started when The The Dark Ones first formed. They were looked down by it, for they would sacrifice a life of a "unpure" vin, or person, for The Dark Queen. Many places will NOT allow this ritual to take place, except for a few towns that are under their control, and their main base. They don't believe in the other Kashen, or celestials, because The Dark Queen is all they need.


The life they take should be one of an "unpure", or one of somevin who was born with power. They first have all their hair shaved off from all parts. They are then hung from the wrists for about a month. They are not given food or water in that time.  usually while this is going on, the vin that came about a month before them are finishing the ritual. They lastly have their heart cut out of their chest, while they are still alive. This must be done by their leader, who is currently unknown by the "unpure". This must all happen while there is a new moon, and it is where it would be at the highest

Components and tools

After the ritual is finished, all the participants eat only meat, and drink only red wine for the rest of the night.


The The Dark Ones are the only vin that preform this ritual, for they are the only ones who believe in, and worship, the Dark Queen.


They are always done when there is a new moon, said to be because of The Dark Queen, and only observed by "pure" Vin
Primary Related Location

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