Ambrose Sparks
Ambrose Jae-Sun Kyong (a.k.a. Sparks)
A young scholar and explorer, Ambrose Sparks is a member of the Starkeepers and an adoptive citizen of Lautia. Currently investigating a potential ruined city in the Outlands, he will stop at nothing to unearth lost mysteries.
Mental characteristics
Personal history
Ambrose Kyong was born in Hamji to Asai Kyong, a young government worker, and Qhari Sparks, an idealistic Lautian inventor travelling to Tamynia for her research. He grew up in a modest but loving home in the capital-city and, homeschooled by his mother until the age of 14, developed a recklessly curious mind and a fascination for history and lore studies. By his 18th anniversary, he was enrolled in the Willow Sanctum, traveling away from home to the Faculty of Erudition, he discovered a new-found interest for adventure and research. However, his rather shy nature and double citizenship made him an outsider in his faculty, forcing him to conduct his studies alone in the Sanctum's library.
While he was completing his third year of studies at the Faculty, his mother fell gravely ill. He rushed to her side and managed to spend a week with her before she passed away. She passed onto him a small box of trinkets she had collected over the years; among them a copper locket with a strange symbol engraved upon it. Returning to the academy, Ambrose tried to drown his grief in books and classes. His father visited him from time to time, but he had never had the same relationship as with his mother, and they often just sat in awkward silence together, unsure what to talk about. And, soon, Ambrose found himself growing bored with his studies. He instead felt drawn to the locket and the promise of adventure it presented. After a few weeks of research, he found a Lautian guild sporting the symbol as their emblem and, that night, he left the Sanctum and his birth nation, never to return.
While he was completing his third year of studies at the Faculty, his mother fell gravely ill. He rushed to her side and managed to spend a week with her before she passed away. She passed onto him a small box of trinkets she had collected over the years; among them a copper locket with a strange symbol engraved upon it. Returning to the academy, Ambrose tried to drown his grief in books and classes. His father visited him from time to time, but he had never had the same relationship as with his mother, and they often just sat in awkward silence together, unsure what to talk about. And, soon, Ambrose found himself growing bored with his studies. He instead felt drawn to the locket and the promise of adventure it presented. After a few weeks of research, he found a Lautian guild sporting the symbol as their emblem and, that night, he left the Sanctum and his birth nation, never to return.
Gender Identity
Ever since he has left the rigid confines of Tamynian society, Ambrose has found himself disconnected from manhood, considering himself as somewhat in between masculinity and neutrality on the spectrum of gender. He likes to present himself in androgynous dress, yet still embraces his more masculine features.
Personality Characteristics
Ambrose is driven above all by his curiosity and desire for adventure. He picks up obsessions easily and anything that piques his interest has the potential to become his new life-work.
Likes & Dislikes
Likes: Good puns, stimulating conversations, puzzles
Dislikes: Boredom, arrogance, gossip
Dislikes: Boredom, arrogance, gossip
Virtues & Personality perks
Once you get past his shy facade, Ambrose is joyful, generous and most entertaining. Though he has few friends, more focused on his books and maps, he is fiercely loyal and protective of those he holds dear.
Neutral Good
Current Status
Exploration of the Outlands to find remnants of Kenan society
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Dark almond
Black braid shaved on sides
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light brown
130 lbs
Aligned Organization