Edward Tullen Character in Duurn | World Anvil

Edward Tullen

Edward Tullen was a brigadier general in the Hallowed Lands Inquisitors. Before the Last War, he led the division of the International League's military forces that was sent to contain the threat in Felkraiph. Afterwards, he led a battle group of Hallowed soldiers in Hellissandur, during the Last War. A brilliant strategist and sound fighter to boot, his battle group found great success during the siege of Kriegbaeven.   However, he had another purpose in the Iron Lands. He had been experiencing strange visions and dreams for several years before arriving in Hellissandur, all leading him to the top of the Iron Peak. When he began to see another group of people, a squad of Hellissandric soldiers, he decided to lead them to follow him up the mountain, not knowing that they took little convincing.   It was there that he met his end, having found the ruins of Kaym, the last stronghold of humanity. He and the Hellissandric soldiers joined forces to beat back the horrific creatures, like those in Pelukt and Felkraiph, and His Holiness, from finishing the job started more than a thousand years ago in the late Jiderani Empire, with the sundering of the Veil. He was consumed and became a part of the Endless Sky.

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

Tullen was not a kind man or necessarily, what many might call a good man, but he was an honorable one, and when it came to his last moments, he chose to spend his life protecting humanity's freedom.


Religious Views

Tullen was not a dogmatic follower of His Holiness, despite his semi-religious position, but he was devout, in his own way. In the end, though, he chose to follow what he saw was right, rather than the god he had served his entire life.


Tullen had a rough, low voice, and he often sounded worn-out. He spoke in a distinctive but easily understandable Hallowed Lands accent.
1292 1340 48 years old
Circumstances of Death
Dark Brown and Shaved
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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