Ydon's Warning Myth in Dungar | World Anvil

Autome 20th, 22221

Ydon's Warning

Long, long ago, when the planet was young, the land was ruled by dragons and giants. Chief Gallicasre of the giants believed himself slighted by Gralbinth, The Champion ruler of the dragons. A war broke out between these massive races. For five millennia, the two groups fought each other over who should rule. The dwarves, elves, and gnomes joined the dragons while the orcs, goblins, and lizardfolk followed the giants. The war was devastating, and not a part of Dungar was spared the fighting. It took the The Cataclysm to finally bring an end to the war. This was a very dark time for Dungar, but thanks to the Cataclysm, the planet got a 2nd chance.

When the new world was still young Ydon appeared to Chasianna Balyra of the Oracles of the Seven Gods  giving her a warning to share with all the people of the land.  
In the land without sun on the night of no light, two will be born.
The black will give birth to silver and Gold.
Beware the darker they wish awake the titans of lore.
If successful, the world will be engulfed in war.


Ever since the day of the prophecy, scholars and clergy have tried to decipher what the warning truly means. The belief is that the land without sun is the Dark Lands. They believe the silver and gold refer either to Dragonborn, Drakes, or a real dragon. They also truly fear the silver one for what he is foretold to do.


The tale has spread to every corner of the globe.

Cultural Reception

This warning has terrified many souls through the years. Even so far as children have been slain because they were thought to be the silver one.

In Literature

Many retellings of the original story are written down by @seve. Through the years, there have been stories, plays, songs, and many magnificent works of art.
Date of First Recording
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