Falling Stars Geographic Location in Dulimun | World Anvil
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Falling Stars


There are numerous instances of comets falling from the heavens and crashing into the world. Many famous battles took place at the site or close to a crater. When the battle was over, the winner often claimed the Clearstones inside as part of the spoils of war. The most famous clashes over falling stars include:    The Battle of the Kalika: Kalika is a famous river on the island of Pefmar, the largest island in the Perfumed Sea. It was also the sight of a massive falling star landing onto the world. The armies of Kleonas and Direun fought over the star. After a grueling three day battle, the Direun's claimed the fallen star and all the Clearstone inside. The star’s contents were quickly dismantled and shipped back to the palace.   The Battle of Suria: Suria is a village in Esukani, a kingdom south of Teshua. At the time, Esukani struggled for independence against a growing Teshua Empire. A falling star landed near the village. Word traveled fast, reaching the courts of both Kirpamma - king of Esukani - and Ninupalami - king of Teshua - in days. Their armies met on a field not far from the village. Ninupalami and his army won a resounding victory, capturing Kirpamma and executing him. Washanam - Esukani’s capital - fell not long after that, and the Teshua Empire annexed Esukani. The former kingdom remained a Teshua territory for about a century. A devastating plague crippled the army, which forced the Empire to contract.


The sites of famous battles caused by falling stars often become tourist attractions or sites of worship. These areas are thought of in many cultures as sacred areas, as they are the landing sites for stones from the gods. Temples are often built nearby, allowing worshippers to make sacrifices, ask for divine favors, or leave offerings.

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