Dream Willow Vehicle in Dreaming Chronicles | World Anvil
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Dream Willow

The legends of the Fae tell about Dream Willows, trees big enough to house entire colonies when they travelled through the realms. No journey was too long for these sentient trees, however, it is believed that the last of their kind died generations ago. Many still dream of finding a living Dream Willow, so that the Fae could travel once more the way their ancestors did. It is believed that if there is any possibility for a Dream Willow to still exist, it is in the The Faerie Wilds .

Power Generation

It is believed that the Dream Willows could power their journeys through pure magic, as they did not need any additional power generation. Some have also suggested cosmic energies as a source for power, however, the magic explanation is more widely accepted.

Armor and defense

The Dream Willows had a natural defense system in the form of their thick bark, as well as a magical aura that kept both themselves and their passengers safe. However, they were not indestructible, and accident did sadly happen.

Communication Tools & Systems

The Dream Willows had a natural ability to communicate with the other members of their species, and this inborn ability was used by the Fae journeying through the dimensions. It is believed they were able to communicate even when located in different realms, or even different plains of existence. 

Additional & auxiliary systems

One of the most important systems within the Dream Willows were so called dreampods, created by the tree themself. These organic pods were used during the longest journeys and had the ability to put the Fae in a deep, sleeplike state, during which all aging stopped. This allowed the crew to travel distances that otherwise would be only possible for a generation ship.


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