Dracora Race Lore in Dracora Isle | World Anvil
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Dracora Race Lore

  • Aaracokra: Live high up in the eastern mountains. They don’t usually leave their settlement and don’t like interacting with the newcomers from the mainland. They are very religious and maintain one of the greater ancient temples to the Aether gods on the island.
  • Dracoran Dragonborn: Said to be the first race that had a civilisation on the isle, unlike Mainland Dragonborn, they have a much deeper connection to the Drachonic. They have tails and wings, and a close tie to the elements. Some assumed them to be true elementals at first. Their knowledge of magic and the arcane is way above that of most magically adept races, they have an instinct for it, which if masterd, lets them naturally sense what kind of magic is around. But, they are prone to keep things secret to the other races, believing they could never understand such things, and thus much of the true/oldest history is kept with them.
  • Firbolg: Guardians of the sacred woods on the western island. Most newcomers have never seen one, as most of them don’t leave their village. However, they know many secrets of the island, and when they do travel outside their forest, you know its for an important reason.
  • Genasi: A very rare race even on Dracora, they wander the island to maintain the balance of the elements. They are said to be descendants of elemental spirits that had reproduced with other races.
  • Goblin: they live in the central wetlands and occupy a ruin of an ancient Terra temple. They don’t like the newcomers, unless they have something valuable with them.
  • Kenku: They come from the swamps on the southern island. They love interacting with, and stealing from, newcomers and so you can find plenty of them in Newshire. However, they used to be a very wise and an elementally adept race, having had the ability to fly and use great Aether magic, before it being striped away after they committed a great sin. They are not in good terms with the Aaracokra, most being jealous of their flight and thinking they are pushovers for their strong faith in the gods.
  • Kobold: The kobolds live on the eastern Kobaro plateau. Deep beneath the ground, they have a great network of caves that they inhabit. They serve an Archdragon lives in these caves as well. In exchange for safety from outsiders they serve and collect treasure for the dragon.
  • Lionin: They rule the eastern side of the savanna. They have a deep running rivalry with the Loxodon, and live in contrast to them, nomadic. In ancient times, they were skilled Ignis mages, but after the conflict with the Loxodon, many have forgotten their ways. They live in tribes, they call prides.
  • Lizardfolk: They live in the western swamp. They don’t like leaving their swamp and protect it ferociously from outsiders, native and new. Their “queen” is known to be a powerful magic user of the Aqua element.
  • Loxodon: The ambassadors of Dracora isle, they are the race that commune the most with the newcomers and were the ones that set up the agreement. Their city can be seen as the ‘ capital’ as it is the most advanced on the island. They are keepers of history, skilled in defence and great magic users of all elements. 
  • They came from the North tundra’s to the savanna to seek a new way of life, and adapted to the new environment quickly. However, half decided to stay and life how they always had lived, in tribes. These loxodon have kept their old appearance, resembling woolly mammoths. While the Northren Loxodon are skilled in martial combat, the Southern Loxodon became more adept in elemental magic, also due to their conflict with the Lionin.
  • Satyr: Kind folk that live within the central forests. They are deeply connected to the Terra element, and most of them are great magic users. They know much ancient lore.
  • Tabaxi: Tabaxi come from the central jungles. They have mixed opinions on the newcomers, but mostly just seek a good time. They travel a lot, so their village in the jungle is pretty small and consists mostly of tents and caravans.
  • Tortle: Traveling artisans that come from the western isle, they can be found all over south-west Dracora.

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