"Facing Oblivion" Prose in Dra'cora | World Anvil
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"Facing Oblivion"

Prompt: Reaching into the Maw

The old boar’s ghost watched, disturbed, as carrion-eater beastfolk feasted on his body. They were priests for the dead, and their feeding was needed to free his soul. One young raven saw the ghost's face, laughing, “You’re not using it anymore!” An older priest, jackal, cuffed them for rudeness. At least they’d gotten his pelt off correctly, to be returned to his village with fire-cleansed bones.   Next day, boar's ghost leaped into rising smoke of his funeral pyre, shedding age and regaining his prime. The smoke tunnel blocked sight, but prayer-songs from his village rang clear, manifesting as a path of woven light.   Wait. Where was his spirit guide?   Something furry knocked him over as massive obsidian teeth crunched where he’d been standing. The winged lion rolled off, shoving him down the path. “Your guide got eaten, I’m the replacement, let’s go!”   The Maw of Oblivion reared back, towering over both souls. It was all shadow and teeth, its shape constantly shifting.   The boar didn’t argue as bolts of rainbow light flashed into the tunnel, driving the Maw back; rainbows created by his village. The winged lion caught two bolts. One became a bright sword, Another coated his body in shining platemail. As the boar followed suit, gaining rainbow tusk blades and spiked armor, the Maw of Oblivion dove into smoky tunnel walls, hiding. They could hear its teeth grinding together as it circled.   “Somehow, I didn’t think death would be this exciting,” said the boar, back-to-back with the lion.   “We’ll be safe once we reach the Rainbow Dens. It can’t–.” He broke off, screaming as the Maw grabbed him from below.   The boar charged, goring the monster and shattering teeth as he dove inside. It was freezing, acid and jagged teeth everywhere. Ignoring pain as he was torn and melted, the boar hoisted the lion onto his back, took up the sword and cut their way out.   The Maw shrieked, wounded, and retreated. Both souls were badly hurt, but the lion reassured the boar that they would heal with time and rest. “You’re insane,” he added, “I like you.”


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