The Masian Devestation of Forefather's time. Physical / Metaphysical Law in Dominalem | World Anvil
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The Masian Devestation of Forefather's time.

Randall writes of a time before the devastation of or Isle, and the natural cataclysmal that still plagues our lands. He writes of a lush and verdant Isle free from the struggles and woes or people know today. The prophet clams that the cataclysm began when our forefathers beseeched the holy wandered for power, tapping the land's spirit for power. Offended by our peoples rape of the earth father's soul, the Wanderers took away our lush land, and the Earth Father's power in punishment for our sins. The mountains exploded, rivers rand red and black with toxins, and the land died around us. While the claims that the event was divine punishment is skeptical, we can see the after effects today. -Darren the Smith
While claims that the Island is an perpetual statement are false, it is obvious to see why some would see it that way. Whether divine intervention, or natural phenomena, the Islands have an ecosystem that no thrives on the constant destruction, and deadened landscape. It is pure hubris that our civilization would rather change how nature works, again than learn to live with the consequences or our actions. -Randall Earth's Son.


The land takes upon either a violent aspect of color, or drab lifelessness outside of the sanctuary Oasis. Magma burns twice as bright, and fire often heats to blue flame. However the skin tone and color of plant and humans that call the island home tend to be drabs and greys rather than their normal colors.


The effects are contained to the Island of Masia. Despite the large amount of volcanic ash, it does not effect the world beyond the Raging storms that mark the Islands outer waters. The only other areas not effected by this event are the so called "Sanctuary Oasis" where the Masians built their homes.
Metaphysical, Elemental


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