Embarkment Day Tradition / Ritual in Dominalem | World Anvil
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Embarkment Day

Shanna stared at the massive city gates face pale. Her pulse raced at a speed that made her want to vomit blood. The cramped streets furthering her anxiety. Her peers stood with the tools of their new trades braced in solemn silence against the crowd of their cheering countrymen.
This was supposed to be an honor, wandering the wastes. Perfecting her craft, and serving her people. Her parents did it, and their parents before them, but why in heaven's sake did she have to do it? She wanted nothing more to stay in her mothers bakery cooking pastries for the township. She longed to hear her fathers poor attempts at singing to a begrudging dog one more time.
However, it was not the life she was destined for, she was destend for the 'forge of hardship' as the the preexists had called it. To travel town to town, until a craftsmen of suitable repute took them in. A massive grinding shattered her thoughts. The gates were opening. They reveled the harsh Masian wastelands with their glowing pools of blue sludge, and biting ash winds. As they were ushered forward What a wonderful 16th birthday gift Shanna thought, as they were ushered


Embankment day has existed for the entirety of Masian History. After the cataclysm tore apart the Island, the people found that the children of successful artisans and chieftains did not have the capabilities required to sustain their people. Cominded with the fact that many of the towns lack different resources led to the caste based system of modern Masia.   To protect themselves against neoptisim, each child is assigned a trade that the priests deem suitable, and are sent to endure the hardships of nomadic life.


Upon their 16th birthday, A Masian is taken to the council of priests, and assigned a trade. The trade is not determined by their parents trade, but by the judgements of the priests. Once a child is assigned a trade, they are assigned to a master within the next nomadic caravan passing through. The weeks before the caravan's arrival are marked by town wide celebrations, usually involving dancing, singing, and general city wide partying.
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